Saturday, December 3, 2011


Hi sweety
I wanted to write about our trip to Hawaii we just got back and today is Saturday December the 3rd. Right now your mom is pragnant with your sister and we are excited to meet her. You are finally starting to understand a little bit that you will soon have a sister. You have kissed Mommy's belly a couple of times and just last night you were pointing to your belly and saying you had a baby in there - silly girl! This morning we went downstairs and you watched Mickey Mouse and Little Einstiens for a little bit.

We went to Hawaii for two weeks this was your second time in Hawaii. We went there for your Uncle Tom and Aunt Andrea's wedding they rented a cool house with a pool and a hottub we also spent a lot of time with your Oma and Pappa. You really loved to go in the water this trip you started swimming around with your life jacket and you jumped into the pool from the edge trying to jump farther each time. You also loved to go into the "bathtub" as you called it but it was really the hottub at the hotel. You also liked to go down to the beach and play in the sand your favorite thing to do was destroy sand catles. On the last day we were in Hawaii you met a 7 year old little girl and had a fund time playing with her at the beach.

Friday, October 28, 2011

November 2011

Hi doll, you are running around downstairs as daddy is watching Gold Rush. We went to a Halloween party tonight and you played a lot of games where you got to throw the balls in the monsters mouth and you did the cakewalk and won on your first try, and you bounced in the bouncy said you had fun. it looked like it! you have such a sad scrap on your nose. we put you in the crib for a minute and I heard you say jump, jump, and the next thing I hear is you crying and you are laying outside the crib on the ground. I have no clue how you fell out, and it scared me so bad...if you were jumping, I don't know if you flew over and landed on the ground or did a flip or what. I am just so glad you didn't break you neck. but it looks like a rug burn scrap on your nose, and it looks bad. you pulled at the scab today, and I am so worried it's going to scar your pretty little nose. you are really good about wanting to put medicine on it, and you like to do it yourself. today we put a bandaid on it, so you wouldn't play with it, and daddy put one on too, so you had matching ones. you want to help with everything, even if it's dangerous, like helping to cook your eggs, and you are pretty stuck on doing things on your own. you are the only kid in your peps group that will not sit through breakfast. we've been meeting the group on friday mornings at endolyn joe's and you cannot sit still. the only thing that sometimes works in mickeymouse clubhouse on my phone. but toys/books/coloring/playing with the other kids/eating...nothing will have you sit still. you want to get out and walk around. today you swiped a baby pumpkin and put in your backpack..I didn't know you took it! then we hit little gym, and you are quite the star there. you are so advance for your age and you have no fear so you just go for whatever. but you do a good job of listening to the teacher and you do whatever trick or gymnastic move she teaches you. and you sing the songs, and you do a lot of jumping from blocks on your own. you love the bubbles and stamps. and sometimes you run to the stamper and try to do it yourself. you love putting the keys in the car hate getting in to your would rather drive. you love playing with your dolls, walking them in their stroller. and you love to eat Jelly jel leee. you are so loving, and you cuddle a lot. you like to hold ears of those close to you, and we love it. you give "big hugs!!!", and you like your paci and blankie. you are on and off with the potty. today we took a nap and I forgot to put a diaper on after and you would rather sit here and pee the bed then get up and go to the now I am trying to figure out how to get pee out of the mattress. we went to a gymnastics birthday party of your older friends selena and kendra and you were in the 3 and up group, and you did so good. you couldn't go if you were younger, so we said you were three. you loved it. and the older girls always love to be with you, you make friends easy. you always let me know if you are happy, I am happy mama! or I am excited! and you can count to ten in german and you know the night prayer, and you know all your colors, and you really have conversations and think about what you are saying, and what you want or what you want to know. you know all the relations to your gma and omi and papa, and you know that they are my parents, and your grandparents. and you like to tease too. you will say daddy is my daddy and your husband. and then you laugh. you sing baba black sheep, the whole thing, and I know you don't know what you are saying, so it cracks me up that you know all the words. we love sneaking you in our bed in the morning to cuddle, we just can't get enough. but we want you to be independent so we put you down in your own crib. today we went to teriyaki and you say the red hot sauce bottle and thought it was ketchup and I told you it was hot sauce and you said, oh thats uncles cause you know he likes that. you love watching mickeys clubhouse, but that is about it...every once and awhile yo gabba, but no sesame street, nothing. so I don't know if I have wrote that I was laid off, but it like my prayers were answered. I so wanted to be home with you, and I feel so blessed to spend time with you before the baby is here, I just love being with you, and I cannot tell you how much I love it. I think we would have done it after the baby, but this was better! I can't imaging ever going back to work, and I just savor every little thing that you do, and so glad I am here to experience it. I am really lucky. I have kept my photography passion alive and have started dabbling in that more, but to me that is fun, and something I can do on my time, so I can spend time with you. you love going to omi and papas house and you have a routine and like to call them on the phone and talk about the kitties, and the park and taking a bath with omi. and eating eggs with omi. we went to vegas a couple weeks ago and we had so much fun. you love the plane, but get restless after a while, but overall pretty good. and we had fun at the venetian playing in the toddler pool and we went to see the dolphins and tigers. your baby sister will be here in a few months, and you have no idea! I tell you about the baby in my belly and you have felt her move, and asked to open the door and let her out, but I don't think you get it yet. you love babies, but you always tell me to give the baby to it's mama when I am holding one. so I think it will be hard for a while, but I think you will love having a sister! k, mommy loves you with all my heart!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

i do it

honey, you are miss independent now. and you talk so much and say the funniest things. you have had a busy summer, seeing all the family and lots of friends. and the biggest change is I was laid off, so I get to stay home with you! I love it! I do have my moments, but overall, I feel so lucky to be home with you! we have started going to the pool in lynnwood because they have an indoor toddler pool you can walk around in, and you like to play with the balls and the ducks. you like to repeat what you hear too, right now you are calling daddy, "uncle andy" as you are trying to throw the football to him. and today hunter fell, and you told him to get up boy. and you call him buddy, because daddy calls him buddy. you guys are playing a lot together now, lots of chase in the kitchen, and jumping around. you love wake up in the morning talking about candy, and you try and get it all day. it's always, no you have to have dinner first. or you will be crying if I have to leave, and then I will say that daddy will give you candy, and you will start smiling. you went to the puyalip fair and went on rides with hunter, and you couldn't stop talking about it...I went in the car with hunter, and we waited in line. and you kept trying to stand up and take your seatbelt off! and we took you to disney again, and you can't stop talking about the winnie the pooh ride. and when we got on it, you said "I don't want it" and wanted off..I think it scared you. so now you tell everyone about how you don't want it. you like to talk to people and tell them what you are doing...for the most part you aren't shy. and you like kids and adults. we took you to priest lake and you loved going in the boat at night and looking at the would be so excited to go out, and you would say uncle ben ben...look at all the stars!!! uncle ben ben, look at all the stars!!! it was cute! and it was funny because ben and penit were on the hammock and you told them to lean back and you pushed them, then you told them to kiss. they cracked up. you will look at things in books and want them, even though its just want to take it out of the book. you also try to take off your body your fingers or toes, you try to pull them and say take it off. you can get ready with your coat and shoes and get in your carseat and get yourself secured in, but you love to run to the front and drive. you love to cuddle and hold our ears, and put your face against ours. I love it. we are working on potty training, it's a work in sometimes are so excited to go, and other times just want your diaper. you run around with a messy face and hair, you just don't want to bother. you still get frustrated easily with things, and you are trying to drop your afternoon nap...but are so tired, so I know you still need it. you love german school, and at first you would cry when I leave, now you run in to play. and one time I thought you were going to be sad and you ran back to me, and I am like what honey, and you said I want my fries. (I brought mcdonalds to you for lunch). you like to read books...the dragon book and ones where you can life up little ....okay, you want me to read to you ..gotta read some berenstain bears! love you

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

hi honey

you are two now! and you love to put your fingers together and make a two symbol, it takes you a while but you get it! and when people ask you your name you say "two!" we were walking to the park and you were playing with rocks on the way and then we told you we are going to the park, so you said no rock, I am going to the park. see you later. it was just cute. and when daddy was leaving for work, you made sure he gave you a kiss, and me a kiss and hunter a kiss, and you even wanted him to give auntie a kiss..he had to draw the line somewhere! we had a fun weekend, went to wild waves, and to an outdoor concert with Auntie Sara and Anna, and to a baby shower. and to Gina's pool! you crashed for 3 hours on sunday. then we went to have mexican food with Auntie Katie, and you just love playing with Jeffrey and Lucy! you love to sing your ABC's and for some reason you like me to sing baba black sheep to you. your favorite show is yo yo gabba's awful. and you love mickey mouse. I really want to take you to disneyland again! your birthday party was so much fun, and you had all the people close to you to come celebrate! we had a bbq at our house and you even had a pinata. you loved the whole hitting and the candy. you got your first bike from your sissies! and even though your feet barely hit the ground, you love riding it around the block with your helmet on. you look so grown up! you still love to cuddle and grab my ears for comfort. I love it. k, love you!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!
Happy birthday sweetie! You love to sing the birthday song, and so we sang it to you this morning, but you always like to put other peoples names in it. But today is your day honey!!! You woke up at GG's house, and you had a donut for breakfast. Such a special treat! GG gave you a beautiful saphire necklace that we will hold until you are older. But you do like it and say "that's my necklace." This morning, you had your first experience with the fireplace. Daddy told you it was hot, but you had to try it yourself. I feel so bad, but it's not a bad burn, and I think you may not do it again. I hope. I can't begin to tell you how special you are, or how much joy and love you have brought to our lives. It's hard to watch you grow so quick, because we love your cuddles, and when you grab our ears and put your face against ours, and just want to hold us, because someday we know you will not be so cuddly. I am just soaking you up. I love so many things about you, my heart could explode. It's true that you are my heart walking around outside my chest. I love your laugh...and how you get a kick out of everything. If GG responds to your doings, you just think it's hilarious. I love how your whole face smiles and squishes up. I love how you grab my ears or your ears or anyones ears, even other babies to soothe yourself. I love how you give hugs and kisses. I love how you have me give you a hug and kiss then have me give daddy a hug and kiss. I love your excitement over bubbles! I love how you love your cousin hunter and always worry when he is not with you. I love how sweet you are to your babies, and how much you help with real babies. I love your dimple in your nose. I love when I ask you colors of things you always say yellow. I love how happy you are. I love how every time we go grocery shopping you ask for a donut. I love watching you have conversations with other toddlers, and how you reach out to touch their face lovingly. I love how you do push ups and lunges with your daddy. I love how you talk on the phone. I love how you grabbed GG's novel and sat and pretended to read it. I love how your favorite song is ba ba black sheep and you make me stop singing other songs to sing that one. I love how sometimes your a mama's girl and in the mornings your a daddy's girl. I love watching you try to dance, as you have our moves, which isn't saying much. I just love everything about you. We are so blessed you are in our lives. We couldn't imagine a more beautiful first daughter. You are a dream come true. We love you sweet baby.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

who's the big girl

you will be two next month!!! I can't believe it! time is flying by and you are growing up so fast. you can count now, and you say your abc's (in the incorrect order still, but hey!), and you say new words every day. I didn't know you knew kleenex, or you said a german word for where the paci go? so every day I am surprised by you. and we took you to kids gym and you came out of the bathroom and yelled how you flushed daddy's poop! even though he just went pee, but you don't really separate the two. you love kids gym. it's an organized class where you listen to the teacher and then run around and play, and do gymnastics activities. I realized you are shy with the teacher, and most of the kids will run to him and hit the tamborine he is holding, but you just shy away and sit in my lap. however, the last class, you ran up to him and let him help you do a loop around the bar. I was pretty shocked. I am a little happy you are shy or at least aware of people you don't know. I think I am instilling fear in you as I am so nervous at this stage, of you running in the street, opening the front door, running away from us and thinking it's funny. so, I told you in the alley that a car was coming, and to watch out it can hit you. and you repeat that all the time, even when there is no car..." car coming hit you. car coming, it hit you" I am always safety first, and you make me a nervous wreck! you love your baby dolls.. you love to cuddle them, and take them on walks and the other day we were doing bubbles and you would take the baby's hand and have her pop them. you love to share icecream at night with auntie and uncle. they always have a sweet tooth, and you are all over it, trying to get your share. you can put most of your shoes on by yourself. you are still addicted to the paci. you love to cuddle and play with my ears. or your ears too. it's like your wubby. we found out this month that you will be a big sister!!! I am so excited for you to have a sister or brother. I know you will love to baby the baby. but, I also know how jealous you get when I hold other babies, or even the dog, so I am sad you will have to share my attention. it's hard to let go of the fact that it's just you and us, and I want to give all my love and time to you, but I hear the heart grows with each child so there will be enough love to go around. it's a blessing for all of us. every morning you say uppy me mommy or uppy me daddy, to get you out of the crib. sometimes I come in and you say, no daddy. and I have to tell you he went to work. it's funny. you love to go on the trampoline, and you love being outside. and bubbles! and you love to sing happy birthday to you...and finally next month it will be a real birthday for you! I love summer, and it has been fun going on walks, the park, and the baby pool, and the boat. you have been such a sweet loving girl, i love spending every minute with you! you are pretty set in your ways..I do it, or no that's mine, my turn. my dora. and you seem to have opinions on what shoes you don't want to wear, or clothes, or food you don't want to eat. no, I don't like it. and you always want snacks. you eat so many fruit snacks ( which are all corn syrup!) it's crazy! you are big in to saying everything is the color yellow. what color is lucy....yellow, what color is the plant yellow. what color is your bed.. yellow. or you will randomly yell A. you get the alphabet and your colors mixed up. it's funny! you love to brush your teeth. I don't know if you like to eat the toothpaste more, or if you actually like doing it, but you want to a lot, so hopefully this will help us through the cavity war. you are back and forth with potty training, some days you are happy and run to the bathroom, and other days you are like no...diapeee. diapee and don't want to deal with it. I am okay with whenever, but please before the new baby comes use the toilet! crossing my fingers! we are going to vantage this weekend for fun in the sun and you love to run around pat/laura's yard. it' s fun to watch you play outside without fear of cars or anything. I think I mentioned this before but one of the first times you went there, you pooped in their yard! I don't know if you were copying lucy or what! k sweetie, I love you with all my heart!!! mommy

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I love you baby

you're a happy baby, I 'm a happy momma, he's a happy daddy, we're a happy family (or, samly).
I'm a loving momma, your a loving baby, he's a loving daddy, we a loving family.
we go on and on and switch up the word in our love to sing it.
and you like to skip to..I am skipping momma.
did I tell you you dechildproofed our house. every door we put the childproof covers on, you figured out a way to get them off...hmmmm. I think I should get my money back!


doll, you are 21 mos now! time just flies! you are saying your abc's! and it is hilarious! you do lmnop so quick and in and out with your tongue, I don't think you realize it's l m n o p, to you it's lmnopeeee.., it's very cute. we can sing a part and then you keep going with the next part. we have a lot of dance parties in the kitchen, and you enjoy spinning, and moving your arms up and down, and dancing with hunter. you are having full on talks now. and a lot of I do it moments... I do it, I do it! you have been very gentle with babies when they are around and you like to touch their face softly. and you always want to hold them. you are very motherly, and you get down and talk baby talk and try to tickle them. I can put your hair in a pony now, and two ponytails. it's still all over the place, but it's a real pony, and you look so cute! you went on your first easter egg hunts in west seattle. the first one, you picked up just a few eggs and you won two grand prizes! I gave one to jeffrey since you won so much! then, on the weekend we went to one on alki, and you went for a juice box, and you wanted to sit there and drink it, instead of going for the eggs. then, we met up w/Gina/Chance/and your sissies at lincoln park, and you would take the eggs out of your basket and put them in other kids baskets. I was proud of you for sharing! you love to wash dishes! you pull up the chair and try to wash! and you are addicted to the paci. where'd paci go? where'd paci go? but, when you have it you cuddle with me, and I love it when you cuddle, so you can have it for a little longer. you talk on the phone more now, if you arent pushing the buttons. you like to play games on the phone, and you accidently upgraded aunties phone to a paid "talking kitty." you have a kitty on the phone that repeats everything you say, and so you love saying all your words and sayings to the kitty and have him repeat it back and you scream to it too. so, when you saw the neighbors cat you promptly went over and screamed at it hoping it would scream back. it was pretty funny! k, love you!!! mommy!

Monday, April 11, 2011

what I love

so much to love and every day I relish in something more about you to love. my heart grows everyday. I love when you smile and your whole face lights up. your eyes squint up so tight as your face lights up with joy. it's a beautiful joyful happy face. I love when you say I am happy mamma. or when you say bless you mamma, "sess you" it melts my heart I love watching your run.."i'm running mamma" you run fast, but look so clumsy like you could faceplant at any moment, and sometimes you do. I loved watching you love your daddy when he was gone for a week. you gave him love and hugs, and you just touched his face, and his ears, and rubbed his cheeks, like you were in awe that he was really right in front of you. I love when you give me kisses, and do it over and over and make the mchhhmchch sound. I love your crazy hair, and how most of the time, I don't know what to do with it...wondering if I should cut it, or let it grow, or what. but I think it fits your personality, so I let it be free and wild like my spirited little girl. I love how you go for everything and you are not timid. it scares me, but I am proud of you trying new things and experiencing the world with such excitement I love when you cuddle with me. I could go on forever and forever...

hi doll

daddy was gone at the masters this week, so we had some quality you and me time. I even let you sleep in bed with me. I love having you with me, and I cherish every moment, because you are growing so fast. I wish I could stop time and just keep you so young innocent and beautiful. you live in the moment, and I love being a part of it. we went on a ferry ride this weekend and you were loving it! you ate chowder with daddy, and you looked out the window and would scream boat boat! everything was so exciting to you. you loved going from seat to seat and having me follow you. sit here mamma, come sit here mamma. and then we went to a baby shower and you were just the right height to grab all the goodies off the table, so you would run around the house, and go run back to the table and grab jelly beans or put your hand in the cake. you were having a good time! daddy found an app on the iphone where this kitty repeats everything you say, so it is so funny watching you talk to the kitty and then the kitty says everything back in a high pitch voice. you get a kick out of it! you say look at my sock, or you try to sing the abc's, or you scream to it. it's fun to see what comes out of your mouth. you also went to your sissy's volleyball game and we had fun cheering her on. you love playing with them! we are going there tonight to celebrate their birthdays! you are big on saying happy birthday right now, so finally you will be right today! you have fallen in love with your paci. 'where did paci go?!' all day long! I was afraid you would love it, and get addicted to it, but I know you are still a baby and I want you to have what comforts you. but, I want to hear you talk too, so sometimes I take it a way and distract you. but, you always search for it "i found my paci!" this month you get to go on an easter egg hunt, and you get to go to the spring fair! I know you are excited, or I am excited, but I think you will love it!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

i do it u do it

wow, you are a toddler now, and you are letting me know! you say I do it! and try and do everything yourself. I am very proud of you for trying so hard. but you do get frustrated easily and you get really upset. you are pretty hilarious. and you have such a big personality! yesterday you were squilling (omg i can't spell!) going in to the mall, because they had a play area there! you were running a sqwealing with delight! I get such joy out of your happiness. and you are not only talking, you are starting to have conversations, so it cracks me up. you still take lucy's bones to give her in the morning, but you love to eat them yourself. and I told you to give lucy her bone, and you said no, and I said giselle, that is for lucy and you said, but I like it. it just cracks me up. and you just came inside and said you kicked the ball. and you had the song about "eat your nana" and you like to say eat your eggs, or eat your whatever. well, you also turned it in to hit your hunter after you hit him! honey, that is not nice! you also say mom or momma, or mommy or sonja! sonja momma sonja. you just sound funny when you say it all. you have learned how to take the child locks off the doors! for some reason you love the laundry room, so I have high hopes that you will do your laundry when you are older! you also love to lock buckles right spend quite a bit of time closing them and asking me to undo it. you and hunter spend a lot of time together and you both have a lot of fun, dancing, chasing, playing. you like to baby him and your baby dolls. today you had them lined up in your crib. you went to portland to spend time with your cousins, and your grammy. grammy wanted you to stay the night, but I wasn't ready to leave you yet. you don't do so well at night in different I couldn't imagine you waking up somewhere and not having me there yet. soooon you can stay the night at grammies! you love to eat popcorn with your daddy, and he loves to get you out of the crib in the morning and you have a dip egg. you always ask for a dip egg! ( in german!) this is such a fun age having you talk back to us. it's just amazing to us. you are amazing to us.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

19 1/2 months

I am getting sad again that I am not staying home with you. I just miss you so much. I can't complain, because with my job, I do see you a lot, and I came home today just to rock you. I just want to love you all day, and I get sad that you are growing up so fast. I am not kidding. you are not my newborn anymore, and you are a little person. I love it, but just miss it. by the time you are three, I am staying home. I need to enjoy you and realize if I don't this moment, these precious moments will pass me by. I am reluctant to have another baby, because I love our time. I want to spend my extra time with you and can't imagine having to split that now too. we take many baths together, and walks and trips to the park, and just playing. I just can't imagine taking care of a newborn, when I want to be just loving you. although, I hear a mothers heart just grows and she has more than enough love to give. I just love the you and me time, and I cherish every minute of it. I so bad want to take you out of your crib at night, and I do sometimes, but most the time, I realize, you need to learn to sleep on your own, and I am not doing you any favors waking you as you dream. you are just becoming more and more of yourself everyday. you can communicate with us, you have for a long while, but it just cracks us up that you communicate with us now. you went from being a newborn, to talking to us. and so fast, it's just amazing. you sing "eat your nanna, eat eat your nanna" or more chant it, and the song I'd catch a grenade for you "ya ya ya" sing the ya ya part, and you even notice it on the radio. and you dance so cute hands up and down with a little squat, and turning around. and you try to get hunter to dance with you too, and he does a squat move. you two are pretty cute together. when he is not with you, you are always asking me where he is. you still love the outside and ask all the time to go night, whenever, you love being outside. it doesn't matter how cold or rainy it is. we took you to whistler and you had fun in the snow and sledding. and they have a big rec pool that you loved. you would jump to me from the side. you can buckle your life jacket and put the lid on a water bottle. you like to help unload the dishes, and you want to do everything yourself. you put your shoes on yourself, and socks sometimes, and you are working on the other clothes. you say potty/emenem, all the time! you sit, then you are too impatient and run around...your attention span is really short, unless you get in to trying to buckle something or get your shoes on. you just move on to the next thing. you run so fast and cute. I just worry you are going to biff it hard again! you always try to sneak past me at the mall or wherever, and u just go and dont look back. it freaks me out. I never thought I would think about the kid leash, but I get it now. I am this close. you still love to love on your babies, and kiss them and rock them, and put them to bed, or sometimes you just throw them, but for the most part you love them. you know all your body parts...neck, lips, cheek, ear, knee, it's fun for you to go through it all. and in books you know the sounds animals make, and you know parts to books that are coming up, or cartoons you know what is coming up. and you run around the house pointing at objects and saying who's they are mammas bra, dadda's shoe, dadda's phone, hunters coat. I even showed you a picture of you and you could barely see the high chair you were in and you said hunters chair. we have two high chairs and you always want to sit in your girly one. some objects we can't believe you would even know who they belong to, but you do...and you know that hunters mom is auntie andrea, and dad is uncle tom, and same w/your sissies, you call their mom sissies momma. I dont' know how you can understand that already. and when I point to pictures and ask who the boy or girl is, you point to the right sex. and you know your right foot and left foot. sometimes you amaze me, I just don't know how you pick it all up. and you remember people and their names and it's fun to have you say the names. I am really tired right now, you are getting up earlier, and you either want to lay and drink milk for a little bit, or your ready to go running to my bedroom door to go down the stairs. you like to slide backwards or on your butt, or stand and not hold on to anything, which freaks me out. I have to jump out of bed and chase you. you like when I do rarrrr and act like I am going to tickle, so I chase you a lot or you try to do it to me. you like to try and shampoo your hair, but then you don't like the water part, and you love brushing your teeth..or eating the toothpaste, but hey, at least you are doing something to combat that sweet tooth. I wish I remembered all the funny things you have been doing..every day it's a story. and you are still so sweet, you say love you momma and sess (bless) you momma all the time. and randomly say huggie. or give kisses. it's heart melting love. I can't get enough of you. your laugh your smile that squints your eyes and makes your face glow. and your little giggle. and the goodbye kisses you blow. you are my angel. love you!

Monday, January 17, 2011

a year and a half

we went to your year and a half appt. today, and oh, that didn't go over so well. you are so aware now that you will get a shot or that you will be poked or prodded that you kick scream and grab my hand and try to take me to the door so we can leave. and you did have to get two shots, so I felt really bad for you. but other than that you are growing so tall, in the 97% for your age and 91% for weight. it's time to start weaning from the bottle and for you to eat more food. you love to just drink milk all day, and so you don't eat very much. and you love your treats, so we decided we need to start hiding it. you always want up in the kitchen and you will point and lean and cry for m & m's or chocolate. it's crazy how much you love it. nem nems?! nem nems? nem nems? ummmm no. you are really a spirited child and you scream and laugh with all your might. you love to try things and love the water. you have only started recently being afraid of others and it makes me a little more secure that you are more aware that you don't know them so you shy away. although, you still run through restaurants and say hi to every table. we have a struggle getting you to sit through any meal. you always want to run around, while your cousin hunter just sits so good and quietly, it's just always been different for you. you have never wanted to sit. you learned to catch a ball, the bigger one, and so we tell you to scoot back and say 1, 2, 3 and you put your hands out and sometimes catch it and throw it back. you love when you catch it and we all clap for you. the only one that doesn't clap is hunter, so you run over and grab his hands and have him clap for you. it's funny. if hunter is coughing you pat his back, like I do yours. and you help feed him whatever you are eating. you go to sleep pretty good now, and continue to sleep through the night, so it's wonderful. although we stayed at the beach and you woke up in the big bed with us, and you did not want to sleep at all! you loved hugging me, and then your dad and talking and getting up. I don't think we got much sleep at all that night. But you do really good in your own bed, and you say night night, and the other night you said night night wow wee (love you!) to your dad. it was precious. then you yelled andy! you think it's funny that I yell that so you repeat it, and yell andy andy. it just sounds funny when you say it. you also say uncle tom..thats the funniest sounding, and you knew when he was coming up the stairs the other day and said "uncle tom." you say auntie and when I ask you what anything is you usually say auntie..its the first thing to come out. and a choo. costco, hunter, omi, taco, two, you you have started saying no. do you love mom. no. or nope. it's funny, and I know you don't know, but I am trying to get you to say yes and you say saw instead. you call lucy's really cute, you yell for her and you go get her bone out by yourself now to give to her. you don't like to share and you usually take things from hunter and say no, but sometimes you give it back. we love you to pieces and every day we are just in awe at what you say or do. you bring so much love and joy to our lives. love you.