Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!
Happy birthday sweetie! You love to sing the birthday song, and so we sang it to you this morning, but you always like to put other peoples names in it. But today is your day honey!!! You woke up at GG's house, and you had a donut for breakfast. Such a special treat! GG gave you a beautiful saphire necklace that we will hold until you are older. But you do like it and say "that's my necklace." This morning, you had your first experience with the fireplace. Daddy told you it was hot, but you had to try it yourself. I feel so bad, but it's not a bad burn, and I think you may not do it again. I hope. I can't begin to tell you how special you are, or how much joy and love you have brought to our lives. It's hard to watch you grow so quick, because we love your cuddles, and when you grab our ears and put your face against ours, and just want to hold us, because someday we know you will not be so cuddly. I am just soaking you up. I love so many things about you, my heart could explode. It's true that you are my heart walking around outside my chest. I love your laugh...and how you get a kick out of everything. If GG responds to your doings, you just think it's hilarious. I love how your whole face smiles and squishes up. I love how you grab my ears or your ears or anyones ears, even other babies to soothe yourself. I love how you give hugs and kisses. I love how you have me give you a hug and kiss then have me give daddy a hug and kiss. I love your excitement over bubbles! I love how you love your cousin hunter and always worry when he is not with you. I love how sweet you are to your babies, and how much you help with real babies. I love your dimple in your nose. I love when I ask you colors of things you always say yellow. I love how happy you are. I love how every time we go grocery shopping you ask for a donut. I love watching you have conversations with other toddlers, and how you reach out to touch their face lovingly. I love how you do push ups and lunges with your daddy. I love how you talk on the phone. I love how you grabbed GG's novel and sat and pretended to read it. I love how your favorite song is ba ba black sheep and you make me stop singing other songs to sing that one. I love how sometimes your a mama's girl and in the mornings your a daddy's girl. I love watching you try to dance, as you have our moves, which isn't saying much. I just love everything about you. We are so blessed you are in our lives. We couldn't imagine a more beautiful first daughter. You are a dream come true. We love you sweet baby.

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