Monday, March 28, 2011

i do it u do it

wow, you are a toddler now, and you are letting me know! you say I do it! and try and do everything yourself. I am very proud of you for trying so hard. but you do get frustrated easily and you get really upset. you are pretty hilarious. and you have such a big personality! yesterday you were squilling (omg i can't spell!) going in to the mall, because they had a play area there! you were running a sqwealing with delight! I get such joy out of your happiness. and you are not only talking, you are starting to have conversations, so it cracks me up. you still take lucy's bones to give her in the morning, but you love to eat them yourself. and I told you to give lucy her bone, and you said no, and I said giselle, that is for lucy and you said, but I like it. it just cracks me up. and you just came inside and said you kicked the ball. and you had the song about "eat your nana" and you like to say eat your eggs, or eat your whatever. well, you also turned it in to hit your hunter after you hit him! honey, that is not nice! you also say mom or momma, or mommy or sonja! sonja momma sonja. you just sound funny when you say it all. you have learned how to take the child locks off the doors! for some reason you love the laundry room, so I have high hopes that you will do your laundry when you are older! you also love to lock buckles right spend quite a bit of time closing them and asking me to undo it. you and hunter spend a lot of time together and you both have a lot of fun, dancing, chasing, playing. you like to baby him and your baby dolls. today you had them lined up in your crib. you went to portland to spend time with your cousins, and your grammy. grammy wanted you to stay the night, but I wasn't ready to leave you yet. you don't do so well at night in different I couldn't imagine you waking up somewhere and not having me there yet. soooon you can stay the night at grammies! you love to eat popcorn with your daddy, and he loves to get you out of the crib in the morning and you have a dip egg. you always ask for a dip egg! ( in german!) this is such a fun age having you talk back to us. it's just amazing to us. you are amazing to us.

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