Monday, January 17, 2011

a year and a half

we went to your year and a half appt. today, and oh, that didn't go over so well. you are so aware now that you will get a shot or that you will be poked or prodded that you kick scream and grab my hand and try to take me to the door so we can leave. and you did have to get two shots, so I felt really bad for you. but other than that you are growing so tall, in the 97% for your age and 91% for weight. it's time to start weaning from the bottle and for you to eat more food. you love to just drink milk all day, and so you don't eat very much. and you love your treats, so we decided we need to start hiding it. you always want up in the kitchen and you will point and lean and cry for m & m's or chocolate. it's crazy how much you love it. nem nems?! nem nems? nem nems? ummmm no. you are really a spirited child and you scream and laugh with all your might. you love to try things and love the water. you have only started recently being afraid of others and it makes me a little more secure that you are more aware that you don't know them so you shy away. although, you still run through restaurants and say hi to every table. we have a struggle getting you to sit through any meal. you always want to run around, while your cousin hunter just sits so good and quietly, it's just always been different for you. you have never wanted to sit. you learned to catch a ball, the bigger one, and so we tell you to scoot back and say 1, 2, 3 and you put your hands out and sometimes catch it and throw it back. you love when you catch it and we all clap for you. the only one that doesn't clap is hunter, so you run over and grab his hands and have him clap for you. it's funny. if hunter is coughing you pat his back, like I do yours. and you help feed him whatever you are eating. you go to sleep pretty good now, and continue to sleep through the night, so it's wonderful. although we stayed at the beach and you woke up in the big bed with us, and you did not want to sleep at all! you loved hugging me, and then your dad and talking and getting up. I don't think we got much sleep at all that night. But you do really good in your own bed, and you say night night, and the other night you said night night wow wee (love you!) to your dad. it was precious. then you yelled andy! you think it's funny that I yell that so you repeat it, and yell andy andy. it just sounds funny when you say it. you also say uncle tom..thats the funniest sounding, and you knew when he was coming up the stairs the other day and said "uncle tom." you say auntie and when I ask you what anything is you usually say auntie..its the first thing to come out. and a choo. costco, hunter, omi, taco, two, you you have started saying no. do you love mom. no. or nope. it's funny, and I know you don't know, but I am trying to get you to say yes and you say saw instead. you call lucy's really cute, you yell for her and you go get her bone out by yourself now to give to her. you don't like to share and you usually take things from hunter and say no, but sometimes you give it back. we love you to pieces and every day we are just in awe at what you say or do. you bring so much love and joy to our lives. love you.

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