Monday, April 11, 2011

what I love

so much to love and every day I relish in something more about you to love. my heart grows everyday. I love when you smile and your whole face lights up. your eyes squint up so tight as your face lights up with joy. it's a beautiful joyful happy face. I love when you say I am happy mamma. or when you say bless you mamma, "sess you" it melts my heart I love watching your run.."i'm running mamma" you run fast, but look so clumsy like you could faceplant at any moment, and sometimes you do. I loved watching you love your daddy when he was gone for a week. you gave him love and hugs, and you just touched his face, and his ears, and rubbed his cheeks, like you were in awe that he was really right in front of you. I love when you give me kisses, and do it over and over and make the mchhhmchch sound. I love your crazy hair, and how most of the time, I don't know what to do with it...wondering if I should cut it, or let it grow, or what. but I think it fits your personality, so I let it be free and wild like my spirited little girl. I love how you go for everything and you are not timid. it scares me, but I am proud of you trying new things and experiencing the world with such excitement I love when you cuddle with me. I could go on forever and forever...

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