Friday, October 28, 2011

November 2011

Hi doll, you are running around downstairs as daddy is watching Gold Rush. We went to a Halloween party tonight and you played a lot of games where you got to throw the balls in the monsters mouth and you did the cakewalk and won on your first try, and you bounced in the bouncy said you had fun. it looked like it! you have such a sad scrap on your nose. we put you in the crib for a minute and I heard you say jump, jump, and the next thing I hear is you crying and you are laying outside the crib on the ground. I have no clue how you fell out, and it scared me so bad...if you were jumping, I don't know if you flew over and landed on the ground or did a flip or what. I am just so glad you didn't break you neck. but it looks like a rug burn scrap on your nose, and it looks bad. you pulled at the scab today, and I am so worried it's going to scar your pretty little nose. you are really good about wanting to put medicine on it, and you like to do it yourself. today we put a bandaid on it, so you wouldn't play with it, and daddy put one on too, so you had matching ones. you want to help with everything, even if it's dangerous, like helping to cook your eggs, and you are pretty stuck on doing things on your own. you are the only kid in your peps group that will not sit through breakfast. we've been meeting the group on friday mornings at endolyn joe's and you cannot sit still. the only thing that sometimes works in mickeymouse clubhouse on my phone. but toys/books/coloring/playing with the other kids/eating...nothing will have you sit still. you want to get out and walk around. today you swiped a baby pumpkin and put in your backpack..I didn't know you took it! then we hit little gym, and you are quite the star there. you are so advance for your age and you have no fear so you just go for whatever. but you do a good job of listening to the teacher and you do whatever trick or gymnastic move she teaches you. and you sing the songs, and you do a lot of jumping from blocks on your own. you love the bubbles and stamps. and sometimes you run to the stamper and try to do it yourself. you love putting the keys in the car hate getting in to your would rather drive. you love playing with your dolls, walking them in their stroller. and you love to eat Jelly jel leee. you are so loving, and you cuddle a lot. you like to hold ears of those close to you, and we love it. you give "big hugs!!!", and you like your paci and blankie. you are on and off with the potty. today we took a nap and I forgot to put a diaper on after and you would rather sit here and pee the bed then get up and go to the now I am trying to figure out how to get pee out of the mattress. we went to a gymnastics birthday party of your older friends selena and kendra and you were in the 3 and up group, and you did so good. you couldn't go if you were younger, so we said you were three. you loved it. and the older girls always love to be with you, you make friends easy. you always let me know if you are happy, I am happy mama! or I am excited! and you can count to ten in german and you know the night prayer, and you know all your colors, and you really have conversations and think about what you are saying, and what you want or what you want to know. you know all the relations to your gma and omi and papa, and you know that they are my parents, and your grandparents. and you like to tease too. you will say daddy is my daddy and your husband. and then you laugh. you sing baba black sheep, the whole thing, and I know you don't know what you are saying, so it cracks me up that you know all the words. we love sneaking you in our bed in the morning to cuddle, we just can't get enough. but we want you to be independent so we put you down in your own crib. today we went to teriyaki and you say the red hot sauce bottle and thought it was ketchup and I told you it was hot sauce and you said, oh thats uncles cause you know he likes that. you love watching mickeys clubhouse, but that is about it...every once and awhile yo gabba, but no sesame street, nothing. so I don't know if I have wrote that I was laid off, but it like my prayers were answered. I so wanted to be home with you, and I feel so blessed to spend time with you before the baby is here, I just love being with you, and I cannot tell you how much I love it. I think we would have done it after the baby, but this was better! I can't imaging ever going back to work, and I just savor every little thing that you do, and so glad I am here to experience it. I am really lucky. I have kept my photography passion alive and have started dabbling in that more, but to me that is fun, and something I can do on my time, so I can spend time with you. you love going to omi and papas house and you have a routine and like to call them on the phone and talk about the kitties, and the park and taking a bath with omi. and eating eggs with omi. we went to vegas a couple weeks ago and we had so much fun. you love the plane, but get restless after a while, but overall pretty good. and we had fun at the venetian playing in the toddler pool and we went to see the dolphins and tigers. your baby sister will be here in a few months, and you have no idea! I tell you about the baby in my belly and you have felt her move, and asked to open the door and let her out, but I don't think you get it yet. you love babies, but you always tell me to give the baby to it's mama when I am holding one. so I think it will be hard for a while, but I think you will love having a sister! k, mommy loves you with all my heart!!!!

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