Wednesday, April 27, 2011


doll, you are 21 mos now! time just flies! you are saying your abc's! and it is hilarious! you do lmnop so quick and in and out with your tongue, I don't think you realize it's l m n o p, to you it's lmnopeeee.., it's very cute. we can sing a part and then you keep going with the next part. we have a lot of dance parties in the kitchen, and you enjoy spinning, and moving your arms up and down, and dancing with hunter. you are having full on talks now. and a lot of I do it moments... I do it, I do it! you have been very gentle with babies when they are around and you like to touch their face softly. and you always want to hold them. you are very motherly, and you get down and talk baby talk and try to tickle them. I can put your hair in a pony now, and two ponytails. it's still all over the place, but it's a real pony, and you look so cute! you went on your first easter egg hunts in west seattle. the first one, you picked up just a few eggs and you won two grand prizes! I gave one to jeffrey since you won so much! then, on the weekend we went to one on alki, and you went for a juice box, and you wanted to sit there and drink it, instead of going for the eggs. then, we met up w/Gina/Chance/and your sissies at lincoln park, and you would take the eggs out of your basket and put them in other kids baskets. I was proud of you for sharing! you love to wash dishes! you pull up the chair and try to wash! and you are addicted to the paci. where'd paci go? where'd paci go? but, when you have it you cuddle with me, and I love it when you cuddle, so you can have it for a little longer. you talk on the phone more now, if you arent pushing the buttons. you like to play games on the phone, and you accidently upgraded aunties phone to a paid "talking kitty." you have a kitty on the phone that repeats everything you say, and so you love saying all your words and sayings to the kitty and have him repeat it back and you scream to it too. so, when you saw the neighbors cat you promptly went over and screamed at it hoping it would scream back. it was pretty funny! k, love you!!! mommy!

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