Monday, April 11, 2011

hi doll

daddy was gone at the masters this week, so we had some quality you and me time. I even let you sleep in bed with me. I love having you with me, and I cherish every moment, because you are growing so fast. I wish I could stop time and just keep you so young innocent and beautiful. you live in the moment, and I love being a part of it. we went on a ferry ride this weekend and you were loving it! you ate chowder with daddy, and you looked out the window and would scream boat boat! everything was so exciting to you. you loved going from seat to seat and having me follow you. sit here mamma, come sit here mamma. and then we went to a baby shower and you were just the right height to grab all the goodies off the table, so you would run around the house, and go run back to the table and grab jelly beans or put your hand in the cake. you were having a good time! daddy found an app on the iphone where this kitty repeats everything you say, so it is so funny watching you talk to the kitty and then the kitty says everything back in a high pitch voice. you get a kick out of it! you say look at my sock, or you try to sing the abc's, or you scream to it. it's fun to see what comes out of your mouth. you also went to your sissy's volleyball game and we had fun cheering her on. you love playing with them! we are going there tonight to celebrate their birthdays! you are big on saying happy birthday right now, so finally you will be right today! you have fallen in love with your paci. 'where did paci go?!' all day long! I was afraid you would love it, and get addicted to it, but I know you are still a baby and I want you to have what comforts you. but, I want to hear you talk too, so sometimes I take it a way and distract you. but, you always search for it "i found my paci!" this month you get to go on an easter egg hunt, and you get to go to the spring fair! I know you are excited, or I am excited, but I think you will love it!!!!

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