Wednesday, June 15, 2011

who's the big girl

you will be two next month!!! I can't believe it! time is flying by and you are growing up so fast. you can count now, and you say your abc's (in the incorrect order still, but hey!), and you say new words every day. I didn't know you knew kleenex, or you said a german word for where the paci go? so every day I am surprised by you. and we took you to kids gym and you came out of the bathroom and yelled how you flushed daddy's poop! even though he just went pee, but you don't really separate the two. you love kids gym. it's an organized class where you listen to the teacher and then run around and play, and do gymnastics activities. I realized you are shy with the teacher, and most of the kids will run to him and hit the tamborine he is holding, but you just shy away and sit in my lap. however, the last class, you ran up to him and let him help you do a loop around the bar. I was pretty shocked. I am a little happy you are shy or at least aware of people you don't know. I think I am instilling fear in you as I am so nervous at this stage, of you running in the street, opening the front door, running away from us and thinking it's funny. so, I told you in the alley that a car was coming, and to watch out it can hit you. and you repeat that all the time, even when there is no car..." car coming hit you. car coming, it hit you" I am always safety first, and you make me a nervous wreck! you love your baby dolls.. you love to cuddle them, and take them on walks and the other day we were doing bubbles and you would take the baby's hand and have her pop them. you love to share icecream at night with auntie and uncle. they always have a sweet tooth, and you are all over it, trying to get your share. you can put most of your shoes on by yourself. you are still addicted to the paci. you love to cuddle and play with my ears. or your ears too. it's like your wubby. we found out this month that you will be a big sister!!! I am so excited for you to have a sister or brother. I know you will love to baby the baby. but, I also know how jealous you get when I hold other babies, or even the dog, so I am sad you will have to share my attention. it's hard to let go of the fact that it's just you and us, and I want to give all my love and time to you, but I hear the heart grows with each child so there will be enough love to go around. it's a blessing for all of us. every morning you say uppy me mommy or uppy me daddy, to get you out of the crib. sometimes I come in and you say, no daddy. and I have to tell you he went to work. it's funny. you love to go on the trampoline, and you love being outside. and bubbles! and you love to sing happy birthday to you...and finally next month it will be a real birthday for you! I love summer, and it has been fun going on walks, the park, and the baby pool, and the boat. you have been such a sweet loving girl, i love spending every minute with you! you are pretty set in your ways..I do it, or no that's mine, my turn. my dora. and you seem to have opinions on what shoes you don't want to wear, or clothes, or food you don't want to eat. no, I don't like it. and you always want snacks. you eat so many fruit snacks ( which are all corn syrup!) it's crazy! you are big in to saying everything is the color yellow. what color is lucy....yellow, what color is the plant yellow. what color is your bed.. yellow. or you will randomly yell A. you get the alphabet and your colors mixed up. it's funny! you love to brush your teeth. I don't know if you like to eat the toothpaste more, or if you actually like doing it, but you want to a lot, so hopefully this will help us through the cavity war. you are back and forth with potty training, some days you are happy and run to the bathroom, and other days you are like no...diapeee. diapee and don't want to deal with it. I am okay with whenever, but please before the new baby comes use the toilet! crossing my fingers! we are going to vantage this weekend for fun in the sun and you love to run around pat/laura's yard. it' s fun to watch you play outside without fear of cars or anything. I think I mentioned this before but one of the first times you went there, you pooped in their yard! I don't know if you were copying lucy or what! k sweetie, I love you with all my heart!!! mommy

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