Tuesday, July 26, 2011

hi honey

you are two now! and you love to put your fingers together and make a two symbol, it takes you a while but you get it! and when people ask you your name you say "two!" we were walking to the park and you were playing with rocks on the way and then we told you we are going to the park, so you said no rock, I am going to the park. see you later. it was just cute. and when daddy was leaving for work, you made sure he gave you a kiss, and me a kiss and hunter a kiss, and you even wanted him to give auntie a kiss..he had to draw the line somewhere! we had a fun weekend, went to wild waves, and to an outdoor concert with Auntie Sara and Anna, and to a baby shower. and to Gina's pool! you crashed for 3 hours on sunday. then we went to have mexican food with Auntie Katie, and you just love playing with Jeffrey and Lucy! you love to sing your ABC's and for some reason you like me to sing baba black sheep to you. your favorite show is yo yo gabba gabba...it's awful. and you love mickey mouse. I really want to take you to disneyland again! your birthday party was so much fun, and you had all the people close to you to come celebrate! we had a bbq at our house and you even had a pinata. you loved the whole hitting and the candy. you got your first bike from your sissies! and even though your feet barely hit the ground, you love riding it around the block with your helmet on. you look so grown up! you still love to cuddle and grab my ears for comfort. I love it. k, love you!

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