Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy third birthday

happy birthday sugarplum. you are "tree"...before you were a "a lil bit tree" could time go by any faster. we had a beautiful celebration at our house, real simple with omi and papa. it was special because i found the dress I wore on my 3rd birthday and put you in it for yours. people say we look exactly alike. i think you are of course more beautiful and sweet, bt we do look very much alike.

Monday, July 16, 2012

makena kathleen

hi love, you will be six months next week.

happy 3rd birthday

i'm tree! you are so tree its adorable. I just love you so much. I hope you know how much my heart holds of you in it. it's the most beautiful feeling to have a daughter, and I want you to know how much I love you, I just want to squeeze you up and hold you forever. you make me laugh so much. you ask so many questions, and it's a fun time... and you have a mind of your own. and you like to talk over people because you want me to hear your voice. but your so cute cause you say...ahhh, excuse me mamma. and you also have this like teen voice and you go moooom. like you're crazy mom. mooom. and daaadddy. daad. it's really funny. you got a piece of cake from omi and you said...I am gonna go show my dad.. and you snuck off and hid and ate the frosting off the top. you sneaky! I loved having a very low key celebration at home. I made you a pink cake with ruffles, but ran out of frosting, so only half had ruffles :), and we made a raspberry pie that didn't set, but tasted sooo good. your dad helped cook both too by the way. he loves you so much too... he spends so much time with you and right now is outside helping your ride your bike. you love to go on the boat and you get to swim in the lake with daddy. you love it.  I also found a dress I wore on my 3rd birthday and put it on you. I think I already wrote about this,  but anyways, it was pretty neat, and if you have a daughter I hope you will do the same.  our little family is my dream come true. I am just so happy being with you and watching you grow. you make my heart smile love.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

you have the best daddy in the world. he is so patient with you. giselle, we think you are amazing, but you have your moments that would drive anyone insane. and daddy handles you with such care and ease. we read about how you are little and just trying to figure out this world, and you are just a little soul we are trying to guide. so we don't want to make you feel bad, and we realize you are usually tired, so we just try to wait out your tantrums.
giselle you are almost three and you are so happy cause "your a big girl", but sometimes you like to be mom I'm little. I am just in shock that you are growing up. daddy is reading to you like he does every night. you are practicing counting right now. I hear everything on the monitor which I listen to religiously. you really want to do a try but land on your head. do a cartwheel mom..again, again! you love to "jump high" on your trampoline, but you fell off again, so we are thinking it's got to go. you have a new "old" swingset from craigslist and Auntie Kristina helped us find it. you love it! we just got back from Crescent Bar for boating and swimming fun, and they had a big firework show the weekend after the 4th, so you got a double 4th. and we went to longview for the 4th w/your cousins. you had fun playing. you sat with jeffrey to watch the fireworks and you would comment on each one on the color. and how load they were. this weekend is your birthday and you said you want to ride the bus, and you want juice water and cars. I think we can make it happen :). so glad you are only asking for simple things. I hope we can teach you that it's memories and people you spend time with that matter and things are just things. be grateful for your friends and family and you will realize you don't need much else. makena, you are five months now, and you are still as happy as can be. your smile is so big and your eyes squint up when your happy. you cry for me with more force and demand now, as you want to feed when you want to feed. and you still wont take a bottle so I am attached to you. I am happy I can be here for you whenever you need me. I think this is the way it's supposed to be. mom and child so close and attached. I cherish every moment I have with you. I wish every mom could be there for their baby when needed. I am so happy I can comfort you. I think god wanted it that way. I couldn't imagine being away from you. I sneak out for a run or groceries, but am always, and will always be here for you. you would love to sleep next to me, but I still put you in the bed next to me, since I don' t want to suffocate you. you love to blow razberries, and you grab my face and started laughing. rusty grammy's dog barked at you and you would just laugh and laugh. it's the best sound in the world. grammy stayed with us and played with both of you. we had a nice time, lots of walks and fun. she got to see giselle perform at little gym and school.  I love you babies.

Happy moms day

To my loves who are the reason I celebrate today, thank you for being such blessings To me. Someday if you choose to be a mother, and I hope you do, you will feel the amazing happiness and joy a child brings to your life. I am tired as heck bit happy.

things I want to remember

handprints on the window
you talking to yourself in the mirror..I am your friend, I 'm not your friend. be nice to me. no you be nice to me.
but why
I love you too mom.
still holding my ear on occasion.
not going in the toilet..even for disneyland
fighting naps, cranky nights
riding your bike around the kitchen island
you insisting on opening and closing your car door
wanting stipstick
tangled hair
messy face
little gym
jungle junction little einsteins
singing you are my sunshine and 3 special steps
excitement for your birthday
sister love and squeezes
ring pops
golf cart rides
waking up so tired and insisting on getting up cranky
wheres daddy every morning I want to go get him
friday night sleep in mommys bed!

ticklish on your thigh
putting your hand in your mouth like your shy
wobbly sitting
floppy ears
bathtime with sissy and me
blowouts in the carseat
reaching for me.
crying for me to eat
late nights, early mornings
fighting the bottle
biting me
two teeth
love for bananas
acceptance of carrots
licks of sissys popcicle
getting carried by papa
laughing at rusty
do you love your mamma so early in the morning song