Wednesday, December 8, 2010


you are 14 1/2 months now and turning into quite the little girl. it's crazy. I thought you were a baby, and now you are toddleresque. you started counting...and I just don't believe it. you have like 50 words, and repeat everything we say. the other day we were going to taco tuesday and you said taco. so the counting. we were watching sesame street and they got to nine and you said ten! then daddy came home and he said one and you said two three four. it amazes us. and you get a kick out of it too. so now we try and sometime you get it right, and other times you just scream jibberish in a counting way. you are in your crib going to sleep and I overheard you say two. it was funny. you always sleep with a different baby and when we get you out in the morning you always say baby and want to grab it and carry it up stairs with you to our room. sometimes the animal is as big as you are. amber is helping watch you now too, and she has been really good to you. she is teaching you a lot and even had you go potty in the potty a few times. you like to kick the ball and she gets elmo or ernie to kick it back to you. we had the vacuum on today and you were trying to figure out how to turn it on, so I did it with my foot. so instead of pushing the button, you grabbed my foot and put it back on there to turn it on. I don't think you got that it works with your hand too. you like to throw things away, so I always send you to the garbage with something. sometimes you make it there and other times you pull stuff the empty box of mike and ikes you can't get enough of. you love your sweets. even if you get them and I hide them behind me or somewhere you seem to find them. you LOVE going outside. and your cutest word is outside..the way you say it is soo up out siiiieeede??? you know putting your hat on or shoes or snow outfit means outside, so you try to get us to put those on for you. today you were running around naked and brought us the snowsuit, we said you need to get a diaper and you ran to your room and brought us a full one... it was funny. then you peed on the couch before we got the other one. but alas, we got you dressed and took you two houses down so you could see rudolph up in the tree. you love it. you love the water and baths.. and when the bath is over you say "bye" to it. it's funny you say bye and hi to animals and, clothes, the park. it's cute. we took an overnight trip to ocean shores and it was fun to take you to the beach. you say beash. you loved it. we went in the pool together and took a bath after. we also took a nineteen hour road trip to palm springs with you! and you hate your carseat!!! you scream most the time, or wine..or whatever, and it's so annoying there is nothing I can do to get you to stop and I have to try and entertain you the whole time. so , we traveled through the night, and made it fairly easy! we went to manhattan beach and played. you are done putting the sand in your mouth and just enjoy running free and building sand castles with daddy, and its very relaxing. then we took you to disneyland!!! you were in such awe and wonder, it was fun to watch you!!!! I thought you were too young, but you really enjoyed it! we took you on the pooh ride and your eyes were so big in amazement, and we were done, you said more more. so we went on it again. it was probably the only ride with a five minute wait, so that was awesome. you loved the little minnie and mickey houses. they had an active dishwasher you couldn't get enough of. you got to see pluto, and you shook your head no and didn't want to go to him. then you saw mikey mouse and you gave him a kiss on the nose. it was precious! you say ah-huh and eh-eh a lot and plz, and dankyou, and omi and opi, and antee, doggie (finally!) but you wont say giselle and when we point to family pics you point out people, but you call yourself baby. you love putting clothes on especially with animals or whatever on them and you say wow and go to the bathroom and have me lift you up to see what you look like. and then we laugh! and you have started saying wow as a is this a wow moment? wow? it's hilarious.. and I am like yes this is a wow!!! you love elmo too. you say elmo all the time, and auntie kristina got you a pair of slippers with elmo heads and you really like those. you jump in the air and do a lot of automic butt drops. you still tickle and you tickle the dog and hunter. you tried feeding hunter the other day. you would put the cheese in his mouth and you give him hugs. and sometimes you take things from him and say no. like his binkie and then you put it in your mouth. I am trying to teach you to share. you are very outgoing and run over to any kids and take whatever they then I have to tell you to share and give it back. a girl had two rackets and a ball. and you wanted the ball. she gave you the racket to play pass the ball. she put the ball in your racket and you took the ball and handed her the racket back. you like to talk on the phone and have conversations and sometimes push the buttons and put it on mute. you love to push the buttons on the computer too. you are very silly and love to laugh and make everyone laugh. you do "chins" which miki taught you and we say chins and you basically push your head back to create double triple chins. it looks silly. you laugh all the time and just have fun. k, love you mommy

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