Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Makena's two!

Happy Birthday baby girl. You are growing up so fast! I just took you to school with Giselle for the first time all day, and you said "I'm excited mama!" I am so happy you are happy to go. It's nice you have Giselle and Hunter there to help you. I don't know how I feel about you leaving mama for four hours, but you have been crying when you have to leave with me, so we're going to see how this goes. So on your birthday you said I'm two, and Giselle said "now that your two you can stop drinking mama's milk (because she stopped at a year and a half), and you said, I'm not two. You love your milkie. I love having you lay with me and I get to hold you and put my hands through your hair and kiss your head. I cherish it. We had a breakfast celebration at the bowling alley and planned to bowl but it was league..so we came home and watched the seahawks win to go to the super bowl, and then we had pizza and cupcakes..we sang to you and you loved it...you get pretty shy about it though. And then omi and papa came up yesterday and we celebrated again :). You are so sweet..you try to keep up with the big kids. Giselle had her Christmas concert and they were singing, and you stood up there too, and swayed a little and just watched them, but you wanted to stand up there. You love frosty the snowman, and we went to a disney show and one of the characters reminded you of frosty, so you kept pointing him out. you tell me you love me a lot and give me kisses. you get upset if things don't go your way, but are easily calmed down, and you listen really well. you are talking all the time, but it's so funny that you are understanding and you like to repeat exactly what we say and say it back..then you smile and laugh, like you said it for the first time and it worked, and you understand it. you say you funny mamma, and you like to say daddy said "yes" or whatever he just said, and zell hit me mamma, or my belly hurt me, or my sun at me mamma, and you like to run around without clothes on..you don't like covers at night, you run pretty warm. I wanna sleep w/you mamma. I just can't get enough of your little sweetness. you are just a love bug. you love your papa so much and omi. giselle you got a new big girl bed with a slide and a fort, and you love sleeping in it, and making your own bed. you get upset if the kids go on the slide and mess up your bed. we are so happy you are independent, but already miss sleeping with you. we keep saying we are going to grab you and have you sleep with us, but we know you would be mad if you woke up in our bed. you say you want to live in your own house ,and I say don't you want to live w/me forever, then you say ok I will..if you live with your parents. you have it all figured out. you always ask really good questions, about why kids in cartoons don't have their parents w/them outside and why can't you go outside by yourself. you love having hunter stay over, and you spend time w/neigbor genevieve who you also do ballet with. you two play really well together but last time you both played the I don't want to play with her card...I think because you are both cancers born a day a part. and trying to figure out how to be friends. I can't squeeze and hold you enough. you are growing up way to fast for me, and I love you so much. I love you! '

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