Tuesday, November 4, 2014


giselle you asked me if I could bring the toilet to you so you could keep watching your show.. makena when you come up in the morning to wake me up, you always say surprise. or you will open my eye. about 3 months ago you would do all the things you saw on frozen, and prevend you were anna and try and wake me up..wake up elsa wake up and lift my eye and then put your head on my and ask me if I want to build a snowman, just like on the movie. giselle, you were going to be a tooth fairy for halloween then you decided on elsa. your first tooth fell out last month and you were soooo excited! it was loose and you were so excited about what the tooth fairy would leave you. you also want to know what the tooth fairy does with all the teeth. not quite sure. you also remember a lot of the history facts I tell you and are curious..like what are the wright brothers first names...orville and wilbur, then you remember. you can do a lot of math and subtraction and are learning to read. you can spell out a few words. and you write a lot on your own. always asking me how to spell whole notes to people. and makena you follow right along and ask me how to spell my name..and then you scribble. you both sing a lot of the songs you learn at school, and I asked you what it meant and you told makena were not telling mom right makena, and she said yeah...so this language thing might backfire on me. makena you were "america" for halloween, a super girl, with a cape. giselle says you like to play with the boys at recess, and you said you like to play with hunter. you both play so well together now, and it's so fun to watch you love on each other, and play mommy with each other..lots of make-believe, and then you will yell at each other, you did the meanest thing ever! I am never going to play with you again!! then you love each other again. giselle, you go to awana and last week you brought makena home a dog that you won. that was very loving of you. makena still calls you izelle and when you are sleeping in the morning she will lean over and kiss you. daddy said last week makena was half asleep, saw you, gave you a kiss and went back to sleep. so sweet my girls.

fall again

hi girls, we are cozy in bed reading cinderella, makena you are breastfeeding, and watching paw patrol with lucy on the bed too. dad is in spokane. he went to atlanta last week and then in two weeks he goes to vegas for work. I may go too, but it'll be the first time we leave you both, which makes me nervous, but I feel like you are both getting old enough that you could survive and enjoy it..hopefully. we celebrated gg's 90th birthday this last weekend in portland w/all your cousins. makena you spent a little time looking at pictures with gg and asking her who everyone was. and you also slept on her a little bit, and she said you were really heavy. giselle, you would give a hug but for the most part you were off running with your cousins. we had to stop you to listen to gg cause you have a way of blocking out everything and continuing doing whatever you are doing. you really liked playing with brady and even wrote him a note that said you liked his room the best..it had lights on the bed and a piano, but you were too embarrassed to tell him what the note said..you wrote a lot of letters and giselle and brady on it. when you were in the car w/piper, she asked you to be quiet and makena said you be nice to her she's my sister! it was pretty cute! we stayed w grammy and grampy and you liked to play with rusty. yesterday makena wrote w pen on the couch, and turned the breakers and I had no clue what to do. you also peed on the floor. giselle you created an art wall and surprised me with it, and you also created a picnic in your room..you just get an idea and go with it. you also created mail for all your friends and put it in envelopes, but you closed them before you remembered who they were for so you needed all new envelopes.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Giselle!

So you've been asking for about 6 months now how many days until your birthday. You are so excited and you want to have it in the backyard. You want your neighbors, parker, jeffrey, lucy and your cousins there. you asked for a butterfly party. I can't believe how fast time has gone..my little baby is almost 5! I saw a quote, she is quick and curious and playful and strong. and you are inquisitive..you want to know everything! you are so in to time right now, and want to know days, and hours and minutes and you need to know the answer..how long are you gone mommy..well how many minutes? is that long? how many hours? how many days til jeffrey gets here? so, you have a calendar, and we go through the months which you know and you are starting to understand minutes and time..but you are so intense about it. and you are so curious about what mommy and daddy talk about, and if we try to give you a shortened version..you ask questions very sternly until you get the right answers..no, who are you talking about, no, how old are they, and what happened? and you do get so upset if we don't tell you right away. and even if we don't know the answer (like how long something will take, we tell you 2 hrs or an answer because you want to know...). you are just so smart, and you remember everything. I ream

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

hi girls

oh, I love spending every day with you both. this is such a special time and I know it. Giselle, you pick flowers for me all the time, and I think that is so thoughtful of you. and you wanted to have a yogurt stand (w honey and berries on cones), so you could give the money to daddy. and makena you are so sweet and happy and silly all the time. I took you both to get your toes done and you both sat there so good and were so polite to the guy who asked if you wanted candy. you said thank you. and giselle you get so shy, you said no, and sat there shyly til he gave you the candy, then you were too shy to say thank you. but you loved it, cause you smile big and your eyes shrink up. makena, you are very easy going and so relaxed about everything, and giselle, you are very intense with emotions, and so full of questions, and so smart. but very happy or very mad or sad. it's a lot, but I love it. I want you to express your emotions and whatever you are feeling. but you need a lot of attention and needs. it's constant on with you, and I almost feel like I am not challenging you enough because I can't keep up with your questions, and wants. love you both so much. we planted a vegetable garden, and you giselle you like to go down the slide in to the pool. and makena you are playing on the big swing now and going to the bathroom pretty regularly without us asking you. we haven't even tried potty training you, and you want to do it on your own. you love lucy too. makena you love daniel tiger and hate care bears and giselle you love watching care bears..so the morning cartoons are always challenging. you both will eat because you want to grow bigger and giselle if you see makena eating my breakfast, you will eat it just so she won't outgrow you. makena you love hunter so much. and giselle you like to carry baby ali around and give her kisses. you have been playing t ball and daddy is your coach. it's pretty funny watching you turn around out there and not pay any attention to the ball. but you hit really good and you run fast, and hunter and chance are on your team, and neither of them pay any attn. mostly chance stays with his mom and hunter likes to roll around and put his mitt on his face. it's funny. makena you like to be a part of it too, and have been practicing hitting. we went to lake chelan, tennesseee, palm springs, disneyland, celebrated omi and papas 42nd wedding anniversary, went to anacortes for annals 40th 80s party, and this weekend heading to whidbey island, then off to road trip to banff canada. it's been a crazy few months but very fun. even though I am exhausted. we were going to leave you and go to banff, but I don't think you guys are ready, even though daddy says I am the one who isn't ready. so, we'll enjoy a nice road trip together. ok. love you so much!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Goofball makena- you take off your shoes wherever you are- even in the airport, it doesn't Matter you want to run barefoot And you like to take your diaper off too which isn't good. You are singing all the songs to frozen and you were singing that Giselle is the best sister ever and you'll be best friends forever , that is in between you both telling me that the other is not sharing. Giselle you are so ambitious and willing to try anything . You want to skateboard and ski Anh you get so upset if you don't get to do whT you want. You are playing t ball w daddy as yor coach. You do really good at hitting the ball even without a tee. The last game you were sitting down in the field - it's a long game and you wanted a donut like makena

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


makena, it's so cute, whenever we see you, you coming running with your hands in the air and say surprise!! as you are our gift and we've been spending the whole time we are away from you looking for you..and it's so true...at least I have spent the whole time thinking about you. I love you and I love my surprise!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Makena's two!

Happy Birthday baby girl. You are growing up so fast! I just took you to school with Giselle for the first time all day, and you said "I'm excited mama!" I am so happy you are happy to go. It's nice you have Giselle and Hunter there to help you. I don't know how I feel about you leaving mama for four hours, but you have been crying when you have to leave with me, so we're going to see how this goes. So on your birthday you said I'm two, and Giselle said "now that your two you can stop drinking mama's milk (because she stopped at a year and a half), and you said, I'm not two. You love your milkie. I love having you lay with me and I get to hold you and put my hands through your hair and kiss your head. I cherish it. We had a breakfast celebration at the bowling alley and planned to bowl but it was league..so we came home and watched the seahawks win to go to the super bowl, and then we had pizza and cupcakes..we sang to you and you loved it...you get pretty shy about it though. And then omi and papa came up yesterday and we celebrated again :). You are so sweet..you try to keep up with the big kids. Giselle had her Christmas concert and they were singing, and you stood up there too, and swayed a little and just watched them, but you wanted to stand up there. You love frosty the snowman, and we went to a disney show and one of the characters reminded you of frosty, so you kept pointing him out. you tell me you love me a lot and give me kisses. you get upset if things don't go your way, but are easily calmed down, and you listen really well. you are talking all the time, but it's so funny that you are understanding and you like to repeat exactly what we say and say it back..then you smile and laugh, like you said it for the first time and it worked, and you understand it. you say you funny mamma, and you like to say daddy said "yes" or whatever he just said, and zell hit me mamma, or my belly hurt me, or my sun at me mamma, and you like to run around without clothes on..you don't like covers at night, you run pretty warm. I wanna sleep w/you mamma. I just can't get enough of your little sweetness. you are just a love bug. you love your papa so much and omi. giselle you got a new big girl bed with a slide and a fort, and you love sleeping in it, and making your own bed. you get upset if the kids go on the slide and mess up your bed. we are so happy you are independent, but already miss sleeping with you. we keep saying we are going to grab you and have you sleep with us, but we know you would be mad if you woke up in our bed. you say you want to live in your own house ,and I say don't you want to live w/me forever, then you say ok I will..if you live with your parents. you have it all figured out. you always ask really good questions, about why kids in cartoons don't have their parents w/them outside and why can't you go outside by yourself. you love having hunter stay over, and you spend time w/neigbor genevieve who you also do ballet with. you two play really well together but last time you both played the I don't want to play with her card...I think because you are both cancers born a day a part. and trying to figure out how to be friends. I can't squeeze and hold you enough. you are growing up way to fast for me, and I love you so much. I love you! '