Monday, August 19, 2013

Makena 19 Mos Giselle 4

Hi girls, you have been my sunshine! I just want time to freeze as this is going by so quickly! Makena, you change so much every day! You are so smart and sweet and funny. You will say dad in the car and he turns around and you do a funny face..and then you laugh. and I presented that baby allessandra was my baby and you said no no..and wanted me to hold you and you said mama..and pointed to andrea and tried to hand her allesandra. you understand everything I say and you will do it, and you are talking so much say otay which I think is so cute. I will say something for you to stop doing and instead of fighting me on it, you say otay. and smile. it's precious. you know everyones names and you love your hunter so much and parker. you really like to play with them. running around and yelling with them. you really want to go to giselles school. when we go in you go and sit on the chair too and you color or whatever they are doing. then when we leave you cry and say hunter! and you say hi and bye and good morning to everyone. and alright. and today you said awesome! pretty much anything giselle says you try to repeat. you can count a few numbers after I say one. and when I ask how old are you, you say two. (auntie taught you that for coming up use). you like buckles and you love shoes..trying on everyones..and you love that silly car at the park that you get in and out of and shut the door. you and giselle fight over a few things but you are also very loving to each other. you love to give hugs and kisses. you like to eat berries, and you pretty much try anything avocado, beans, but you like to take your own like the whole thing, which freaks me out since you and giselle like to choke..and you cry and cry if I don't give you the whole hot dog. and today you insisted I give you the stick in the cheese and crackers..which is a choking hazard. giselle, you just told me you like my face. that was sweet. you are pretty funny and cute. you have a sweet side, today at the gym the teacher said you went right over to makena when she woke up and consoled her. so loving.but you also like to tease her, and think it's funny sometimes when she cries. and you don't like to share very much with her, so she doesn't share back. you are very smart and ask so many big questions already. and you are really particular on things..wanting certain clothes or certain things on or off, and you only eat certain foods unless I tell you that you need to eat healthy to grow big. then you say alright alright..and then you fight on how many bites. you love to play with hunter and your cousins. you are quite the leader and they let you lead. your big in to how old people are right now.. you told auntie andrea you think she's 70 and I am 75. but you want to be older.., and you love princesses and super why and agent oso. we went to a princess party and you met snow white. and you wore your princess outfit out the other day all day, with clothes under it because it's too scratchy. you love going to omi and papas house. you really get excited and you pack your own bag and you also get dressed and shoes on by yourself and brush your teeth. you really want to learn to tie shoes, and you are really interested in your little work books to draw letters. you like to swim, and you can doggie paddle across the pool, but god forbid water get in your eyes. maybe later. this summer has been busy and fun! we went to lake entiat w/grammy and all the cousins, and we did a trip w/hunter and the friends there too, did a family reunion where you played and sang happy97th birthday to uncle nick, grammy and piper stayed with us for a week, and lucy and jeffrey came up too, we did a lot of the pool, and the boat, and the fox hollow farm, and rem linger farm, you both love all the animals. you have an amazing memory. you remember from last year and a half ago random things and weird details of where we've been and what you did. you remember lucy and jeffs visit last year and them sleeping with you in our bed. and you also had your first seleepover w/out us! over at hunters had a campout on the roof deck, and watched movies on the tv and ate popcorn. we were sure you would cry for us in the middle of the night, but you loved it, and told me you wanted to stay for fifteen days. but sometimes you are so bashful its cute. you will open your mouth and hide behind my leg, and other times you go right up to people and start asking questions. you are usually really cranky in the morning and it takes you awhile to be happy, unless you are well rested. you want treats right when you wake up, and we have the same conversation every time that you need to eat healthy first and you usually start crying, and then you have oatmeal. you want to go camping still this summer and we haven't scheduled anything yet, but we want to take are so much fun! you enjoy a lot of things and have a good time doing always want to know why you can't do certain things riding a horse, or diving off the diving board, or wake boarding. so you are really interested in trying things. you liked to go on the tube at the lake with daddy. I love you so much, and am sad you are just getting so big! we took you to despicable me last week and you enjoyed it! makena came too, but kept saying hi to the people sitting in front of us, and she liked it and would clap and say yeah but at the quiet moments, so we had to leave. you eat healthy too, you like apples and carrots and tonight ate green beens, you just don't like a lot of variety. I love you guys! hugs my girls! tomorrow you both go to the dr, and I am worried it's shot time!

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