Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July and Giselle is about to be 4

hi sweeties, mama loves you. we had a fun 4th at omi and papas house. I always will love the small town 4th for all the fun times! we do the parade, the races, food and festivities, backyard bbq, egg toss, sack races, and just walk to everything..and watch the fireworks at the lake. I truly appreciate it, and hope someday you do too. you always have a lot of fun. grammy, grampy, the young's, and brandi matt brendan all came. it was busy busy, but fun. giselle, you are almost 4 and you can't wait, you always want to be want to be five, you want to go to kindergarten..on and on. I try to tell you to appreciate right now. you want attention all the time, and are starting to pick up on every I have to watch what I say :). but you still believe in everything and you are so creative. you like to play dolls and make believe, you love to go across the monkey bars and always want to do it by yourself. you can swim across the pool and you always want to do that by yourself. you like to tease makena whenever you can. and without fail, you both want the same thing. same color balloon, same sucker, even same booster seat..doesn't matter if there are two, you want the same one. its crazy. giselle you always say you love makena's cheeks and say they're so cute and kiss them. you love omi and papas house and you didn't want to leave today. you can swim in the lake with your lifejacket on and you get right in, doesnt matter how cold it is. but you then want right out of you swimsuit in warm clothes. you are very particular about i don't want your towel, no not that one it's too small. that one is just right. I need a wet clothe right now my hands are sticky. I want to watch tv in that room, no not that show. no not that episode...very very specific. wondering if it's just a stage or part of you. makena you are talking up a storm. its so still call lucy oof woof, and you repeat everything. milk, bye bye, and this weekend you said love you. ove's so sweet. you are so happy. you smile and put your head on your shoulder so sweetly. you love your mama. you understand anything I tell you. and you say huh humm all the time. and instead of yes you say hum. hummm. but you love to say no. and mine. you love all the animals and the cats at omis house. you love to ride the bike,a nd you say helmet..and oh no. oh no. and you have a cute bottom lip pout. love you both to the moon and back. we are having a fun summer and I just love being with you. we go to the beach, the pool, the farm, omis, and hunters..and the boat too. hugs my babies.

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