Monday, January 28, 2013

happy 1 year makena

Happy Birthday Makena! You are the sweetest, happiest, smiliest baby!!! You love to laugh and you will laugh if other people are laughing! I hope you always have this cheerful outlook on life, and realize you were born happy, so keep this internal happiness going! No reason not to be happy, and you are in charge of your attitude! You are on the go go go. We call you frankenbaby, you toddle back and forth. Right now you just played happy and you know it with sissy, and you stomped your feet. you are doing so much now. you tried to put a qtip in your ear, you pretended to be talking on the phone, and even tried to sing in Giselle's karaoke machine. you said car, and I swear you said please. And you still say mamma dada. if you want something you scream like a banchee like your dad says. we went to the buffet and I could hear your scream all the way across with all the people. -==========-= you love the computer and the remote and you always know the buttons to push to turn on or just typed that above and you try to shut it. sister still carries you everywhere. for your birthday we went to the beach, and you played, it was so beautiful out in january! no wind, and so we had lots of fun at the beach and the pool. omi and papa came. you love them and you saw papa four floors down from our room and said papa. and waved. I didn't even know he was down there. I made you a rose pink cake for your cake smash, and you loved putting your hands in it. you guys have been playing with the balloons for days now. we love you, we couldnt be happier.or more tired! but happy birthday!!

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