Saturday, January 5, 2013

baby is almost one!

you said sock today! you like to pretend like you are putting them on. you are such a sweetie. you love to be close to me..I remember giselle when she was your age, she would go, and not turn around and look where we were, but you stick close and always hold my legs. of course, I love it. I always want to be close to you both. you like to squat down and sit almost with your butt on the ground, it's so cute, and you do a pose where you lay on your side, I guess Maguire did the same pose. you also look a lot like grandpa hoven. we looked at a baby picture of him around 9 mos., and he was an adorable baby, and you look so much like him. and all of your daddy's cousins think you look like Aunt Debbie. I thought that when you were born. you definitely have a lot of hoven in you. you can say mama, mom mom mom, mamamamam, dada, sock!, woah, woof woof,up, ' and you have been saying raaaah forever when we ask you what does the kitty say. after omi's cat who screams really load. you are starting to care when giselle takes thing from you, and you let her know. you cry and scream and throw whatever it is you don't want that she tries to replace it with. you love to give kisses, and blow kisses making the kissy sound, a'nd giselle will blow bubbles on my belly and you do it after her. you are pretty much a mommy's girl, and very shy to go to others. you like me to hold you. and you lay your head on me, and when I say night night you lay it on me too. it's so precious. you can get up the stairs and slide backwards, however, you like to turn and walk down, and you can't do that yet. you started walking at ten months, and you have the cutest wobble. love watching you walk. giselle, you just asked dad if he is gonna stay here all day, and he said yes, and you yelled "ALL DAY!!. that is a long time!" you always ask every night if he is going to work in the morning. if you don't get enough sleep, you wake up screaming for him, and won't let me near you. you cry and cry. then you settle down and say you cried cause you miss him. you love your daddy so much. you want him to do everything, and be with you all the time. you follow him around the house, and you want him to make you lunch. if he is not around you of course want me, but right now you are daddys girl. you both had a fun christmas. first grammy came up to stay with us. we went to warm beach in satinwood, and it's one of our favorite traditions. lots of lights, santa, frosty, horse, animals, food, name it, but it's very low key on a big scale. giselle, this year you were not afraid of santa, just a little, you had dad go with you, but you sat on his lap, told him oyou wanted licorice and suckers, and you smiled..last year you wouldn't even go near him. makena, you screamed the minute daddy put you on his lap. we have the best picture this year. classic! giselle, you love frosty, and you went and gave him a hug. big changes in the hoven house too, as giselle just decided to start going number two in the toilet. one funny time was when we went to grammy/granpys and you poo'd about the size of a grain of rice in the toilet, and you screamed "we're going to disneyland!!!" as we promised you when you start going we will take you. this has been about a year of trying to get you to go, so we are so happy. you start thinking you will never go in the toilet. we also had gg come stay with us for a week. she loved watching you girls with her morning coffee sitting in her green chair. she stayed in giselles room, and she got to see giselle's school concert ( which you sand felix navidade, and Idk the chinese song, but you actually sang really load and good, but with you hand in your mouth!) last year you just put you hand in your mouth and didn't sing at all. ha! we spent early christmas at auntie debbie's and we enjoyed family fun! then to grammy/grampys to stay the night- you enjoyed all the toys they had, and she made a yummy breakfast, then to longview to stay with omi and papa. we went to church and had the candlelight silent night, and had a fun night opening presents and celebrating jesus. giselle, this is the first year you actually got the opening, but you wanted to open everyones presents. it was fun. then we went to whistler, and enjoyed snow. you love the snow! love you both so much. you are my life!

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