Friday, October 26, 2012


baby m is growing so started going up the stairs now, and you stand for a little bit. giselle loves to carry you around and rub her face on your belly to make you laugh. sometimes you love it, sometimes you cry. ma ma ma you want me to save you. I love breastfeeding stick your fingers in my mouth, or when I pretend to eat them you smile up at me and laugh. its precious. you still sleep with us, and we just got a king bed, which makes it a little more comfortable. giselle is watching little einstiens right now..I can't even spell it.., and singing the song. giselle, you love doing everything yourself...seatbelt, dressing, pouring milk, cleaning your room...locking us out of your room. yes. you keep locking us out. I thought that would start as a teenager, not three! you watch ruby and max all the time..unfortunately Max is a baby and doesn't say much but one word comments and you have taken a liking to acting just like max..water.... ball..we keep saying we are taking that show away from you..somewhat funny, somewhat are a little girl, so smart..we came home to get daddy and you said, but his cars not are noticing everything. you said you like omis house the best. we went to arizona to see your family, and you got to spend time with GG. you asked why she had a candy cane.. her cane. and I traveled w/you and makena by myself on the way there. you were really good. and so was makena..we waited an extra day and changed the flight because makena had an ear infection, on the day we were supposed to fly, so I was nervous she could rupture her ear drum. she was fine, and I was obviously the nervous one, but stayed calm for you both. the other day giselle you woke up in th morning like at 530, saying you were hungry..hungry..wanting talked you in to an egg..which you only eat the middle of. you love eating pancakes. or the sugar off the pancakes. and the syrup. today you said something in spanish to me. which is funny because you have been going to school since 2 and you always say you don't know what I am saying to you when I say anything I know in spanish...I am thinking this is crazy that you are going and not learning any language. so I know you know something. makena your baby pictures look very close to grandpa larry's! but the cute girly version you are :). its unreal though. we got a good laugh over that. mommy loves you both with all my world and being. you are my joy and happiness, and I just want to keep you little with us forever to enjoy forever...I don't ever take any moment with you for granted. I enjoy every minute. love you. your mommy.

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