Monday, October 1, 2012

3 and 8 mos

you two are so cute..and I feel like we are a show everytime we go out..not a great show but a shiz show (hahah). both of you want to be held at the same time, or you're running one way, and we can't keep up, or trying to shop,.oh help me. it's crazy, but fun. we have so much fun every day. I wake up and depending on the weather we just go about our day. we go to the farm at least once every couple weeks, or the zoo, or the beach.. or playground. you guys go everywhere. our summer has been busy and fun. we just got back from bend, coeur d alene and priest lake. lots of running around. lots of boating. g- you like to do everything yourself and you are starting to push it. like riding your bike really fast and downhills, and I will say stop and you keep going. I am going to have to reel you in a bit. today we all took a bath and you wanted to wash your hair by yourself and makena is just splashing by you and you are yelling at her not to wash your hair you are doing it by yourself. no makena, don't wash my hair. you get really frustrated if things aren't perfect. if you have a piece of toast that breaks, or if I bite something you want to freak out. but you have all these must be perfect things, as you walk around with a messy dirty face all day. no matter how many times I wipe it, you are dirty a second later. you love playing with makena and you jump all over her. I have to ask you to be soft daily. you are big time daddy's girl. if you fall, or when you wake up, or whenever, you want daddy. even if he punishes you, and I go to give you a hug you still want daddy. although if kendra wants to hold my hand, all the sudden you are all over me. my mommy. still love me, you just take me more for granted. you asked y your flag wasn't flying, and then said I know because their isn't much wind. you are so smart. makena, daddy just told you to come to him and you did. you are understanding a lot and responding. you dance or bounce standing in the crib, and you know who is who. and look for them when I ask where they are. you despise your carseat, and scream bloody murder, but quickly calm. you say mamma and dada, and you wave to people hi and bye. and you crawl quickly and get up and down. you are so happy is crazy. you have five teeth..for awhile it was dracula, which was hilarious, and was going to be your halloween costume, then a new front tooth came thru..only one. so now daddy wants you to go as sloth. mommy isn't having it. but it's pretty funny. k,love you both! night night time.

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