Friday, July 9, 2010

almost your birthday

next week is your first birthday! I can't believe it's been a year since I was in labor with you. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The pain, excitement, holding you, and feeding you. It was amazing. this last year has been amazing. I can't believe you are turning in to a little toddler right before my eyes. I want to keep you little forever, but every stage I have loved watching, but I just miss you being my baby. you are so miss independent now, and I want to hold you and kiss you, and you just want to run around. but, you do come back and surprise me with hugs or kisses. or blow raspberries on my skin and laugh. you still are breastfeeding, and it's something I will miss. you even point to my chest and say eyhhh in a high pitch voice when you are wanting to feed. you prefer my milk to the bottle but do both, and this next few weeks we will transition you away from feeding. my little baby is growing up. we celebrated your birthday at your grammy and grandpy's house in longview over fourth of july. I dressed you up like a doll and took a ton of pictures of you, and grammy made you a beautiful little cake, and we got to watch you dig in. although, I was hoping for a big mess, but you didn't like the feel of the whipped cream on your hands so you barely wanted to touch or eat it! I couldn't believe it, as you usually want to mess up everything. we even took you inside and set you in the high chair and Auntie Maria got you a cupcake, but you didn't want much to do with it either. sooo we ate it!!! it was good! you got your first doll and love to baby it. it's amazing how instinctual it is for you to rock her and feed her the little bottle. we went to a little farm and you got to sit on a pony and see a huge pig! you liked it, but were more interested in the toys in the front yard. you ran your first race! you were the littlest one with 2 and under kids and they all took off and ran to their mommy's but you just stood there and looked at everybody. it was pretty cute! you fell asleep before the fireworks show, so next year we will get to see what you think of it all. last year you were in my tummy for the show! it's amazing what happens in a year! we will celebrate your birthday again with your peps friends in a few will be fun to see all the wobbly one year old friends of yours! k, love you!!! you finally passed out, it's close to 11.

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