Tuesday, June 22, 2010

hi love

you are just over 11 months now, and keep changing so fast! you still have a fascination with the toilet and eating the toilet paper, and you love other kids, and are a chatterbox! you talk to us nonstop. you learned to blow kisses (your hand is backwards but you say mwaaa), and you are climbing on everything. this morning, I went to the fridge and look back and you are on your highchair tray balancing and holing the back of it. that could have been a complete disaster!!! ughh, you scare me all the time! you always want to go up and down the stairs to. you love the little red car at ercolini park, and you ride in it and slip back, since you drive it backwards in circles. you love my computer, so I got you a little one, and you like to stand and sit on it and make noises. you are more gentle with hunter, you are still very interested in him, and you love to give kisses. I think your first word after dad was doll..I was pointing and reading to you in a book and you said it after I did. and you say mom more now, and I swear I heard you say kissy after you kissed something. soooo cute you are. you do not like to sit still ever. I wish I could hold you but you are on the go all the time. back in forth walking in our living room, picking things up and talking along the way. you still wake up in the night, and I am so tired, but somethings gotta give at some point I hope. you godsissies are coming over to watch you today and you are going with them to some fair which I am sure you will love. we love you and just love watching you and playing with you. we got a boat and you have had fun driving it, your little life jacket is really tight on your head and you have to turn your whole body to turn your head. we are going to a concert at the zoo this weekend, so we can take you and enjoy the show too. your dad is running a marathon on saturday too. k, love you, mommy.

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