Monday, March 29, 2010

hi baby love

wow, you are 8 months old now and quite the beautiful lively little one! you are so happy I can't stand it. you just laugh and smile with glee all the time. even when you are sleeping you smile and laugh. it's very sweet. every morning you still wake up with a big smile. it's help my sleepy head get up when I don't want to. you are very curious and of course want everything you shouldn't have. you love taking my magazines and ripping them and any toilet paper, and you always run for the toilet to try and put your hand in it. and the remote control and phone. I even give you a fake remote and you still want the real one. and if I hide things you see what I am doing and you don't forget and you go and get it. you love to give kisses, but recently you have started using your teeth a little and you think it's funny. I am trying to teach you uh-oh and gentle but you think it's funny. then I think it's funny, but I try not to laugh since I am trying to have you get it. you love your scooter and chasing poor lucy around the kitchen. you go really fast. and you love going on walks to the park and going on the swing and the little scoot toy. You stand behind it and push it too. you are standing for long periods of time and get pretty proud of yourself, but you don't step forward you just fall on your butt. you still say dada all the time and I think you know it's him. we were looking out the window and you said hey dada when you saw him. and you know who your doggy is too. every morning you me and lucy are on the bed together for a little while and you let her give you kisses and then you shy's a little game you like to play with her. it's funny to watch you two together. this weekend we went to the beach to work on the property and you saw grandpa and just wanted to be held by him..and you love your baby cousin hunter who was also there, but you always try to attack him and grab him, but you are not gentle with him, so we have to hold you away. you watch eebee baby for a few minutes. everytime the sound comes on for it, you turn your head so fast to watch it, and you are fascinated for a few minutes then it's off to something else. you love to play with your toys and can entertain yourself for a good half hour if you are in the crawl across the living room from toy to toy and standing playing the piano, then scooting on to something else. you like to eat everything, and chew on everything. last night I gave you a popcorn box while we were putting groceries away and you chewed through it so quickly and started choking on the paper! gosh..freaked me out again. I didn't think you could get through it that quickly. you had your first ear ache, but your spirits were still great. you seemed a little fussy and you had a bad cold and cough and your temp was 100.9, so I took you in, and you are on your first antibiotic. in the morning you drink it just fine, but at night it's a struggle for you and your dad to try and get you to swallow it. you turn your head so quickly and fight it. we even tried to slip it in while you were breastfeeding and you know what we are doing. you enjoy spending time with kristina, your nanny. it's just the two of you since the other family left, and hunter comes over sometimes too. but, you get so happy to see her in the morning, so it's easy to let you go so you can play with her. she is teaching you german, and she takes really good care of you. lots of fun in the stroller and park. but, I still want to be home with you and I know how fast this time goes. I cherish every minute with you, and can't wait to be home with you all the time. you are my heart. I love you so much, and I can't believe how amazing you are. oh, and you also talk like a smoker get this really skreachy old sound in your throat,it's got to hurt. and you also do a very high pitch hieee and's cute. love you. mom

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