Monday, May 9, 2016

Sweet times and sad times

Hi girls, it's been so amazing as you grow and play together and you bring me so much joy. I love being with you both and you are both amazing in your own special ways. Giselle you are 6 and have lost 8!teeth and this is a big deal because Most kids in your class have lost one. You are almost a foot taller then your class too. You are a leader and you like to play w the boys and want to invite them all to your birthday especially Kyle. Of course I remind you your girlfriends will be around forever so it's important to create those friendships. You spoke in front of the whole school and the moms at a moms day brunch saying we honor Mary and our mothers and you honor me because I take you to school. Which is funny because daddy takes you quite a bit but I do get you all the time. You like to play and are game to do anything. You love softball, swim, golf, playing outside w the neighbor kids/ watching full house which Grammy started when we went on a trip to the carribean- we missed you but happy to have a break. But Grammy passed out and hit her head when we left you guys thank goodness she is ok and you guys were ok. You like to eat only specific things and not open to trying new foods- to the point you cry at dinner if it is any bit different then you want. You like turkey but not when you know there is cauliflower mixed in- oh you get upset. you like doing the monkey bars and fell pretty bad on your back and tailbone- scared me. You can ski and read now, and you also like to watch YouTube videos. It's a struggle keeping you off them. You challenge me and question most things I say bit someday I hope you see why I tell you things to help you, not hurt you. Like brush your teeth. But you are strong willed and so observant. You asked me if all bosses were males the other day- good question and no- and I hope you change that with your own dream. Moynowns her own photography business and women can do anything they want to. You live Sunday's donut day w daddy. You made me some beautiful art for Mother's Day and you were so excited to give it to me- it was very sweet of you. But you are also very emotional and had quite an emotional day so I get like it was your day somewhat becaus you did not want to do pictures and cried about it and you cried when we went to frisbee golf and then cried cause you wanted to go to toys r us at 9 at night so I try to help you but you get quite emotional. You get mad if Makena calls you Diselle but I think it's cute. You still love was and Anna and you are so creative in you play. You play house a lot w Makena and you guys make up different things going on- you like t set the table and you like to have dance parties under the strobe light in the kitchen. You like eating your cereal after we carry you to the living room to watch cartoons. You are still my baby and you like to be babied a lot too. I am sad that you are growing up so fast. You live daddy and can't get enough of his attention. You are so beautiful with your big blue eyes and i remind you that your beauty is starting from the inside. You like to dress yourself and pretty particular on your outfits you like to wear. You've been big in to braids and pony tails this year and you always want to wear makeup. I have a makeup kit and you and Makena always do makeovers but I only let you play not wear for real. You are my sweetie and I love you. Makena you are precious. You are so empathetic to all around you and it's almost like you can feel their pain. You are so giving and share and want everyone to be happy. You wake up happy early and go to sleep on your own when you're tired early. You told me on Mother's Day you love me every day. We spend a lot of time together and since omi has gotten sick you come w me and spend time in Longview. You just did your first ballet w Ali on stGe and you did so good and so brave. We loved watching you. You like to color and you like me coloring w you. If I'm not you pretty much keep asking til I will. We ride your bike and go for walks to the park and play w your friend Nora and Lilly. You get along w everyone and so easy going. If you are doing something wrong it's hard to get too mad at you because you get pretty upset at yourself already. And you are also on this don't laugh at me kick- when we are thinking your funny. I hope you grow to realize you are making us ligh and that's a good thing to do. Not to be embarrassed by. If you are doing something bad it's so easy to ask you to stop- you say ok and move on. You start swim lessons this week and you live prentending to swim but not so much getting you eyes wet or have any feel for actually swimming so this will be interesting. I'm hoping it will work without me in the water. We have spent most weeks down at omis for the last 9'mknths since she got sick w cancer . I wish you to see how important family is and taking care of your loved ones when they are not well is important. I also wish you never to smoke ever. Ever. I have seen how painful and suffering it has caused my mom and all of us and sadly her bring with us will be shorter because she is so sick. She loves you much and has a special relationship w both of you and I can't explain how beautiful it is and I just hope she sticks around for you to remember how she makes you feel and that is pretty special. She plays w you and laughs w you and shares little tokens w you and thinks of you all the time. She is so worried about your well being all the time- never let you cry always caring for you. I hope you know that. Papa too. You're pretty lucky. Daddy and mommy are still veryuch in love and so happy with our life wecreated with you two. Can't imagine anything more blessed than what we have except wanting omis health to be better. I love you both.

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