Wednesday, October 30, 2013

fall already

well, time is flying here.and you girls are growing so fast it's hard to believe! Giselle, you are in school right now and makena, you are holding a baby and trying to put her in a little shoot car and yo are mad she won't fit. life has been crazy, as we had mac, kristi and parker move out (you guys miss parker, especially makena), we went to europe, and now we've all been a little bit sick and snotty seems like ever since we got back... miki is still living with us til she leaves for school next month. you guys love playing with her, she really likes to tickle you, and really plays hard, and you guys love it. since you won't remember europe, I will tell you now how cool it was. hopefully you'll get a glimpse from the photos..we spent so much time together and so much time at the beaches, you guys loved it! we only spent like 3 days in each spot though, so it was kind of like backpacking w/you guys, and that was a big adventure! miki was with us too, and it was pretty smooth except of the train. we thought we went straight from one destination to the next, but had 3 stops and get on other trains in between.. and w/all our luggage, and you kids, and not speaking the language or knowing where to get off or on quickly, it was an exhausting one stop daddy was off w/giselle and we got trapped on, and the door wouldn't open, and we didn't have a phone, someone had to pull the emergency release for us to get off..we were exhausted, but the train slowed at one point and we watched a black head/fluffy white body lamb give birth..we happened to be sitting in the right spot at the right happened right out our window. giselle, you also found the most beautiful shell. we were walking back from dinner on the beach in pitch black about 3 miles and you picked up a shell, and held it till you got to the hotel, and in the light, we saw it had a beautiful heart in it! it was so could have dropped it anywhere on the walk, and the fact that you picked that shell in the night, was amazing. the whole trip was awesome..we went to sitges, barcelone, quarantine france, the french riviera, the italian riviera, switzerland and germany. makena, you got sick in the middle of the night we had to fly started throwing up all over ilona's house, and she doesn't have a dryer and we didn't even have time if she did to wash all the sheets! and we were worried about getting on the plane because you were throwing up all the we made it, and you actually slept a lot, so it was ok, but I was worried. makena, you love your hunter...when we go to preschool to drop giselle, you cry when we leave for "my hunter". giselle, you two are still best friends, and you love baby ali and always want to hold her. makena, you have still been feeding through the night and using me as a pacifier, but these last two days I have been sick so daddy took you downstairs, and he said you woke up twice the first night and cried for me and the second night you said hi daddy and went back to sleep. for me... you literally are using me as a paci from 5 am on..and so restless, so I think this is a good move, since every day I am exhausted. but of course I want to baby you as long as I can, and I still do :) it's almost halloween, and this year you are peacock, and giselle you are a cute you two are:). makena, you talk all the time now, and when you get frustrated at me you say "hey..mama" just a little off on timing, and its cute. you copy everything your sister says, I think you two are like max and ruby now, ruby talks and then max repeats, and you do the same, and makena. if I tell giselle she needs to come inside, she will say we want to stay outside..and makena you will throw in a "outside mama" you always say milk pls mama, you love to dance with your arms in the air, and you love to love avocados, and out ate giselle the other morning. giselle, you are our emotional little happy, so sad, and so much drama..I am wondering if its just girls, or what? you had another night terror the other night where you just scream, and we can't do anything to console push us away..I think it was the sugar from the west seattle trick or treating. you are so smart, and ask so many questions, and then repeat what you learn. you are very interested in jesus and we went to church and you loved preschool there too. you ask so many questions that I don't have the answers too. does jesus eat? sleep? on and on and on you both love to laugh and play and it melts my heart all the time. giselle you told makena you love her this morning and she said you too. it's precious. love you

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