Tuesday, March 12, 2013

you kids never stop running

wow. another dinner out with daddy's coworker over in bremerton, and I swear I just chased you guys back and forth from the fish tank. I don't expect you to sit still on the ferry over, and the car and then for dinner for two hours...so I just try to keep you seated and then walk back and forth. then on the ferry ride home you guys were just go go go. makena, you finally crashed and giselle, you are watching max and ruby again! we had fun, and I think, someday you both will sit still, until then I will enjoy this age and stage and just try and make it so you are not annoying people, but most people enjoy watching you guys. I think you two are so cute together. giselle, you always pick her up and try and walk with her, and it's just cute. and now you hold hands. and giselle you try to help her when she falls and you say it's ok, but she usually screams for me. we went to grammy and granppys and stayed the night. after a terrible scream fit from waking in the car, all was ok. we went to granpys park the next day and ran silly. granpy and granny sure are sweet to you. they get a kick out of you guys and ask you lots of questions, and always spoil you. they are really sweet to you. we saw all of your cousins too, and your aunties and uncle brent. so much fun. you both were shy until you warmed up. g you are always saying come on bailey or come on jared..and they are all so sweet to you they do exactly what you ask. makena, you were not so sure..you wanted to stay with mommy or you cried. you did let auntie becky hold you with food on a plate in front of you. takes you a lil while. makena, so much personality. you shake your head no, and smile so big. and you run with your arms out and a big smile and run to me. and big kisses and you say mwah. mwah. and you love doggies and kitties, you get so excited. and you still raaah back at fatty..like you are having a conversation with her..except she is usually hiding from you. but fatty totally raaaahs. giselle you love to have chocolate milk at night and you always want your vitamins too. you love sweets and you like to negotiate your dinner..3 bites or 2..we will say 3 then you say how bout 4...obviously, you haven't quite figured out which is more yet. you love playing with hunter..you get so excited for him to come over. you love talking to your sister like she completely understands you. no makena, I told you not to touch my baby. makena, you can't come in my room. let me hold you makena. makena, see the sign says this.., now she is over one,she is starting to understand everything you are saying. makena, you still cry every time I take you to the gym, you grab on to me so tight and you know it's coming that I have to go. but I now hand you over and now you stop crying really quickly after- like you finally accept that I will be back soon. giselle, you said you fixed your baby and put a band aid over your babies mouth, cause she hurt her lip. you love to pretend play mommy, and you carry your babies around, and have me take care of them if you have to run downstairs. you like to knock on the door to the room and pretend you are coming over. you sleep crazy..sometimes screaming or crying and throwing your body around- one night you had a full night terror. I think it lasted like an hour..of you complete screaming at the top of your lungs and we couldn't calm you down. we didn't know what was going on. then we read about it on the internet. we had never heard of it and it freaked us out, and you had no recollection in the morning. it was quite traumatic for us to deal with because it was extreme screaming. hope that doesn't happen again. baby allesandra is here and you were so excited to hold her. you see her and you keep wanting to hold her. and makena, you are so interested too. you also say bah bah. for baby. makena you take a baby and carry her and you rock her back and forth and sing. it's so sweet and unreal. I just love watching you. melts me all the time. I don't want you cuties to grow up. so in love with you both. always have always will.

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