Monday, August 6, 2012

6 mos

Hello girls, g is watching nemo and wanting to go get a popsicle..which you are now on the way to get,  and makena is eating/sleeping. I try to take it away and you root till you are attached again. you don't take a pacifier, so I am your pacifier. I don't mind being close to you. we had a fun weekend at the lake watching the blue angels. lots of sun, and play. today its much cooler and I am trying to multitask with chores and playing with you guys.
makena, you are pulling yourself half way up, and starting the motions of crawling, then you roll over and definitely love standing, and moving around, and now that you know you are mobilish, you can't sit still. you are mommas girl, and love being with me. you are 89% height and 58% weight right now.
giselle, you had another hig birthday celebration with your peps group. you enjoyed playing at the park with everyone.  and eating cupcakes!
you ask so many questions now, nonstop, but you are learning so quick. you are so smart. you are daddy's girl..whenever you are hurt you cry for daddy. of course you love mommy, but you love your daddy so much. you are so interested in who is a boy and who is a girl. and you like to say what everybody is. you ask why to everything. and daddy will finally say that you don't need to ask y cause he already explained it, and you then ask y. but y daddy y! you can do so much on your own, dress yourself, use the phone, iPad, lock your you said you are gonna drive and you don't need your carseat cause you are big. you like to know if you are big or small....and you are a big girl, but still it's confusing to you. you want to know how the sun got in the sky and who made the sky and why makena is a baby. and how you grew big, and how old everyone is, and what they goes on and on and on. I love it though. you are very persistent on doing things on your own, if you want to open the car door, you freak out if we do it first. you are so good with makena and loving.
daddy and I will celebrate our nine year anniversary this week. we are going to aerosmith concert to celebrate. love you.

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