Thursday, April 19, 2012

hi girls

I wrote a long post and it deleted, so I just haven't posted in a while, because I felt like I poured my heart out and it all was lost~ but alas I move on. makena, you are three months little baby. I could just eat you up. I just sit and kiss you and sing to you and love you all day long. I can't get enough of you. I really have had a laid back approach to parenting this time, and so far so good. you sleep well, and you eat well, and you smile smile smile all day. you are so happy and calm and its incredibly irresistable. I seriously almost bite you :). but, you wont take a gag, so freetime for me, is pretty much impossible. not that I mind, as this stage goes by so fast, but it's a little hard. you are so advance...of course:), you love to stand and you hold your head so well. you can sit in the play thing now and you look all around, and you talk and try to communitcate with me...agoo. are in the 98% so you are bigger than most babies. giselle, my little girl, everytime I hear a song about how fast kids grow, I just want to cry. if i could bottle you up and hold you at each age I would. I just love everything about you and its hard to see you grow so fast. you are so loving to us, and you still grab our ears, and you like to put your nose against our face as comfort. you do it to the baby too. you are all over her. you leave wet marks in her hair, all sticky, from all your kisses. and then you step on her forehead and leave a shoeprint. I am just waking her up mom. I am just wanting her to be awake. I am just playing with her mom. you are all over her. it's cute, but always have to check that you dont smother her. you talk to her like she understands everything you say..makena I am so proud of you. it cracks me up. you took your stoller to home depot with your baby the other day. you love your babies too. and you insisted on getting hunter and auntie andrea a flower. you are very thoughtful. you had your school review, and they said you always worry when other kids are having a bad day and you try to make them feel better. that made me so proud how loving you are. we have been pretty active considering trying to do anything with a newborn and toddler is difficult. the feeding in the car, the crying in the carseat, the getting's all a challenge..wanting a snack, pooping the pants. literally all day it's just a crazy zoo, but I love it. not that our house is clean or I get anything done, but I love taking care of you both. most days, giselle you come up to my bed around5 when you wake up yelling for daddy...we sleep and feed till around 8, and go down for breakfast. giselle you "help" cook eggs and toast, while makena swings in her swing. I drink coffee after coffee, and we down breakfast, but giselle you usally don't eat and cry for pink cookies or something awful. then we play or color, or head to the community center to play, or to the zoo, or kidquest, or the farm, or the beach, or park...lots of fun and activity. then giselle you have school a few days a week, and I go to the gym to work out..sometimes its twenty minutes until makena has a blow out, and they dont change diapers, so off we go. then it's grocery shopping or me editing photos, or sleeping until my baby giselle gets out of school. I want daddy to pick me up. but when you get to the house,you are so excited to see me. and I always ask you to tell me all about school...what did you eat...who did you play with. you sometimes share...devin was not very nice to me..she is sick. anthony is my best friend...and you are always singing songs from music class with jason. then we eat and play and daddy reads you books (same ones over and over and over..the dinasaur one and one other one. you say your prayer and off to bed. unless its get to sleep in "mommy's bed"and you love that! you both are the loves of our lives...and we are so lucky.

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