Friday, January 6, 2012

hi love

I have so enjoyed being home with you after being laid off in November. I really couldn't imagine a better life. I am so in love with you, and just absolutely love spending time with you. you are a peach, and you smile is to die for. anyways, I just feel blessed to spend time with you. especially before your sister comes. any day now! you saw my belly move today as you put a toy on it, and it moved. you seem excited about baby, and I am excited for you to have a sister, but there is a part of me that will miss it just being you and me. this time has been so precious. you are my first born, and you and I will always have a close bond. I spent so much time with you, and now I have to share it with your sister. I know my heart will grow, but I do know it will be hard to feed a newborn and change her and make sure I am giving you as much attention. I know you will be a big help, but know that I know it will be hard for both of us. I am hoping we can take special moments of you and me time and dates out, so you know how special and important you are to me. my heart is filled with joy, and you are such a blessing, I just can't believe we will be blessed with a sister for you too. you have started to repeat all of my words that I say to's pretty funny. I will say don't go in the road, and you repeat so I don't get ran over. or make sure you brush your teeth, "so I don't get cabities?" or you need to put your seat belt on, "so the polizie?" yes honey, you are learning. the other day you said I am your mommy and daddy is your daddy, and lucy (your dog) is your friend. it was pretty cute. and you were playing in your play kitchen and you were carrying your baby and said mammas here, and then you put her in the microwave. hmmmm.
you had a nice christmas this year, and enjoyed opening presents. it was fun for us to watch you. you had your elf on the shelf that you would look for every day, and you knew you couldn't touch him. and you would tell me not to touch him, and you thought if you did santa would bring you "cold". thats what your uncle told you. and we did a lot of christmas activities...we went to the issaquah zoo w/reindeer and you saw santa, you still are afraid of him. you get so excited to see him, and talk all about him, then we get up there and you don't want to see him, but you definitely want the candy cane, so you make us go with you. we went to see lots of lights, and you would get so excited when you saw lights " look mommy look at all THAT lights!!!!" and we went to stanwood beach for this amazing christmas celebration with a train, and lights, and mini donuts, and ponies, and jesus. you loved it. and we went to church and you saw grandpa singing. you had your first preformance at school, and you had rudolphs nose and antlers on, you were very cute. and you stood there holding one of the older kids hand, and put your other hand in your mouth the whole time. but sometimes you love to sing, and we put a video on youtube of you singing jesus loves me, and so many people have went to see you sing your heart out, it's adorable. and at little gym today, you were the only one singing so loud to twinkle little star. you are two and a half now and still working on potty training, you do amazing peeing but freak out about number two, and you still love your pacifier. so, a few things we are working on, but other than that you are doing amazing. you know your shapes and colors, and you can count in german and spanish, and you know who mommy's mommy is and daddy's mommy and you know who my brother and sister are, and you know your whole name is giselle rose hoven and you say sonja elisabet hoven and andrew russell hoven. you are talking up a storm, and I love when you first wake up, and just say what you are randomly dreaming about. you just start going and don't stop. it's funny. love you baby!

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