Thursday, February 4, 2016

4 years old Makena

Happy 4th Birthday to our "sugar plum"- thats what omi calls you. You are just a dream. I can't even tell you how easy going you are..and you are sick right now, your eyes all crusted over, nose running, and you still have a smile on your face, and say "I'm ok." I love spending my days with you. Weve been down with omi a lot since she is sick. You enjoy being there, and Omi and Papa spoil you. You have been a sport going back in forth in the car to longview every week. You had a fun birthday with Hunter at a karate place. You have a batgirl shirt that you wear and love, and you wore that to the party. You wanted a chimpumks cake, but there were no chipmunks anywhere. You love simon, and you sing all the songs they sing. and you sound like a chipmunk right now with your voice. You like to play with Giselle, and you think of her all the time. At the doctors office you insisted on getting her a sticker too. And for christmas you wanted to get grandpa a bike because you knew he had his stolen from the garage, so you brought it up out of the blue. You are very thoughtful, and compassionate. We took giselle skiing last week, and you wanted nothing to do with the cold, or putting on your coat, or sledding, nothing! Of course we all love the mountain, but you were content sitting in the lobby all day. you did fall asleep on me, and I enjoyed that as much as skiing, but I'm hoping you will enjoy skiing too. giselle, you are doing so good at skiing this year. I took you down the first run, and you fell, and I thought you would cry, but you would laugh and get right up and keep going, and going pretty fast at that. I am so proud of you! you had quite a year of firsts, learning a little golf, paddleboarding and the skiing. You started kindergarten with mrs. crockett and you are doing great. I didn't think you would ever get used to getting up early as your our night owl, but you have managed to get up...albeit, its still a struggle. you are doing great in school, and the only thing is disrupts class, and you like to tattle on whos doing things wrong, but I am not worried. I am worried about the boys though.. you already said you want to play with jake but he only plays with you if you do what he wants..and your fine with it. of course, I try to teach you that real friends do what both of you like. and you like to play with kyle a lot too, and his birthday party is coming up this weekend. I think having hunter as a boy cousin you are really comfortable playing with the boys. you are learning to read already, and you have a great class of kids. you are so good with makena, and make up lots of creative games and fun to play with her. you are passionate about things, and sometimes overwhelmingly so, but I think its an amazing quality, but sometimes were tired, and you are quite insistent on doing, being, having, whatever it is at the moment that you want or need it. I think this quality will take you far in following your dreams and making them happen. I wish you both to have a beautiful life, and to have that you must create a peace within yourself. I think creating a simple life and being content and grateful for what you have are the beginning. Creating quality relationships with good friends and family that have good hearts, to create health with healthy lifestyle and food, and create mental wellness with exercising your mind, and body, and faith and peace with yoga, nature, and grounding yourself in the beautiful world right in front of you and paying attention to the miracles in everything. to realize that beauty is found inside you and others, and realizing material things do not create a beautiful life. follow your passions, follow your heart, follow your goals. serve others, and find ways to make a difference in the world, even if its with one person, it makes a difference.

Happy 3rd birthday Makena

Makena Kathleen. You little sweetheart you. You turned three and continue to be the most darling thing. I surprised you with decorations and cupcakes and a few gifts and you said "thank you for my party" a few times and it was just cute to hear you say that so young. We ride bikes on your birthday and you are so I g pretty good , Giselle was helping you when you would get stuck- I would go to help you and she would say no I've got it. I stopped breastfeeding you a few days before and that was a hard transition, because you spent every day waking up, napping and using it for comfort. I will miss it too, loved having you lay on me for long moments of time, just relaxing. You just came over and asked for milky- it's been like 5 days. But we've moved you on to a dippy and you like your chocolate milk. You have movie and popcorn nights a lot and you guys love it. Giselle likes to spend time tickling over and over and she is so gassy she ends up tooting all night/ and we laugh and laugh. You are both in live w everything frozen right now. We just got back from 3 weeks in maui and had a fun time w Omi and papa and hunter and Ali and auntie Maria and Jason. We went and saw the sunrise on too of the mountain, many sunsets, lots of pool and sand time. We made candles at Trendwest and you had a hula lesson where it was about an hour long- cannot believe you both payed attn and looked so adorable with your hula dance. Most precious thing I have seen. Giselle you still fight sleep like no other, you don't want to miss a thing, to the point of making yourself miserable but you will fight it and fight. So I guess you live every moment and have a passion for life. You have tons of energy, you are brave and try anything, and you are so silly and want to laugh all the time. You are very intense and intelligent. You think freely and constantly tell us what you are Thinkjng. Today was about how a car could drive to Hawaii because it's an island. Could not I mean. Yu are learning something new everyday and love to be active. Now you can go to the. It tom of the pool and pick up rings and you can ride your bike up and down hills and for a while. Makena you like to so everything g does, and you just want to be a part of it. You recently started going to awana w g becaus your three now. You went one day and learned "god loves us and sent his son" and say it all the time. You went to a little ballet class, and you want to do more. You like to play w hunter and even dressed up as a superwoman because of hunter. Somewhat of a Tom girl but very girly too.