Friday, November 15, 2013


Makena- you are adorable talking now- this morning we were making pancakes and Lucy wanted outside and I told her to wait and you said patience Lucy. Just a minute ok? It was cute- It's usually what you here what we say to Giselle. The other day I thought you were asking where's kitty go and you were trying to get cookie dough- for breakfast too. You can count a little and you always say green when I ask you a color. You are so easy going- you whine a little about something and I say well yes Or no and why and you say otay in the cutest little voice , you love talk on the phone hello daddy. Hello daddy. And you get sassy right after Giselle repeating what se says or saying ya momma! Hand in hip and pout. Sassy pants , then you laugh and today you put her face on your shoulder and smile and said in Excited or when we come home you say I crying mama. And you both fight over your daddy or mamma. Giselle you are in the when you grow up can I be a bakery or mailman or I wish I could do that- when can I fly a rocket? And you still ask a lot about god and you remnered the story you learned in church. You like to play house but everything is your way or you get frustrated. Trying to teach you to share and be nice to sissy. But you are starting to compete a lot w her and don't understand. But other times you love and hug her And pick her up and tell her how much you love her. It's the sweetest thing to see.