Sunday, May 19, 2013


hi liebshens. we had a fun week since the sun has been out. today you went to the beach 3 times! yes..breakfast with dad at christos, then we went to the alki beach festival, and met hunter for dinner and play in the sand. are answering no in different tones in conversation and it's you want to go outside. no. do you want to give your sister the sucker. no. do you want to change your diaper. no. it's pretty cute. and you love to talk and repeat everything now..whatever word it is. and once you say it you laugh like you figured it out, so we laugh together and its so cute hearing you say things for the first time. blueberry. thank you. hot tub, hot dog. stinky stinky. hi hiee. bye-bye. this is such a fun time. you even say ali for baby allessandra. you love books. you mostly love to turn the pages and flips yourself, but you love them. you are really good at putting the straw in your drink, and taking it out and putting back in your juice box. you always whisper pa pa. it's cute. papa papa. you love watching toy story in the car. it's surprising, as giselle didn't watch tv forever. and you love ranch and ketchup and stick your finger in it and lick it off, and giselle still doesn't eat it. you love doing whatever giselle does..climbing on the swing set, running after her, you want to ride her bike and you pout like no other if you don't get to do what you want. you run away and pout, til I come grab you and love on you. giselle, I asked you what I love you means and you said when you are happy and you love someones cute cheeks. you have a routine at night of cartoons and always try and negotiate more cartoons. lately you've been brushing your teeth and cleaning your room before bed. you woke up this morning and told me I could stay asleep and get more energy. you just told dad that you have energy so he told you to do burpees and you went and did them with the clap and everything. makena you like to scream mine..since that what giselle says every time you try and take something from her. makena you like to help mommy make coffee and push buttons on the coffee machine. giselle you got your first cavity but we don't have the heart to tell you, so hopefully the filling won't be too painful for you. we are sorry as we give in to all your treats you want, and the brushing is inconsistent (until now!). ughh. bad parents. we went to the zoo and you wanted to see the bats and crocodiles from the map you saw, I thought that was an interesting choice, but they were very cool to see. well, I love you both with all my heart. til tomorrow.night my loves.