Thursday, February 23, 2012

welcome to the family makena!

makena, you are such a little blessing. I didn't realize I would love being a mommy to two so much. first, you are a sweet sweet baby, with such an easy going personality, that you are just so lovely to hold and cuddle up and love. you are so warm, and you curl your little body up, and put your legs like a frog, and lay on me, and I can't get enough of it. and your sister giselle, loves you so much, I just want to bottle up the beautiful relationship of you two. she treats you like she is your mommy, and cares for you. but there is a fine line between loving and smothering. she wants you so close, she almost sits on you when she sees you in the swing, or presses her face against yours so hard, that she doesn't realize how fragile you are. she tries to pick you up, and she always wants to hold you. she holds you for two seconds and says " I think her poop" or I think her hungry. and if you are crying in the car, she repeats what I say to you... but with sissy. sissy's okay, were almost there, sissy's here. and you love watching her, and get a big smile when you see her. you started smiling at four weeks, and you rolled to your side right after birth. your legs are strong and you love to stand and press up, and you can hold your head up now too. you grew so fast, after two weeks you went from 21.25 inches to 22.5. you are trying to communicate now too, with your little cute voice, you concentrate so hard, and seem so happy to say ahhh, or just a little something to me. and I sing a lot to you and make funny noises, and you look at me as if I am interesting, but a little crazy. you raise your eyebrows, and give a cute little grin. you are so happy, and content, and calm, I didn't realize it could be this easy. I am so happy you are a good baby! you have your first cold and your poor little nose is plugged up, so trying to get you to eat/sleep has been difficult. lots of time in the shower in the middle of the night, and trying to unplug your nose w/the bulb thingy. and you don't even get too upset about that. you sleep a lot. giselle was up all the time, so this sleep all day thing is unreal. I try to wake you, and I even thought there was something wrong, because I am just not used to it.
you try really hard to breastfeed, and it is always a little hard to get you started, and I tried to introduce the bottle, and you gag and choke. I am hoping it gets easier for you, as you are attached at my side, which I love, but at some point, I need to get to the gym! you eat when you are awake whenever you want, which is usually every hour right now, so at some point, we need to use the bottle every once and awhile. you want nothing to do with the pacifier either.
you have made a beautiful light to our family, and we all have enjoyed you. don't want you to grow up, if I could keep you like this I would. but, I can't wait to watch you grow. we love you!!!
giselle, you have been such an amazing sister. you are so loving and I just thought you would be a little jealous, but you have welcomed her, and been so good about me holding her all the time, and feeding her. you crack me up, as you watch me and try to breastfeed your dolls, or you repeat everything we say about the baby, hi pupmkin, or right when you get home, hows the baby? when we were at the hospital, you asked where her mommy was...and I said I am her mommy and you said no your are my mommy. but that was it. you love being a big sister. sometimes if you want me and are crying, you yell to take her. we took you skating for the first time at alki skate, and it was pretty amusing! lots of feet coming out from under you! and it was such a struggle, but you liked it! and you told daddy you wish you were bigger so you could skate. and you want to go back! we still go to the gymnastics place and you run and jump freely and enjoy that, and daddy took you swimming tonight. I have loved being home with you. right now your big thing is Why? you are almost potty trained, and the one thing you love to do is sleep with us, so we said when you go number two you can sleep in our bed, and you did it once, and were so proud of yourself, but haven't since, so we are waiting for you to get it. but, every friday we let you sleep with us, as we know you are growing so fast, and wont want to sleep with us eventually. so we love it! you talk up a storm, and sing songs to cartoons, like agent oso..ok, gotta run makena is fussing! love you!