Monday, September 26, 2011

i do it

honey, you are miss independent now. and you talk so much and say the funniest things. you have had a busy summer, seeing all the family and lots of friends. and the biggest change is I was laid off, so I get to stay home with you! I love it! I do have my moments, but overall, I feel so lucky to be home with you! we have started going to the pool in lynnwood because they have an indoor toddler pool you can walk around in, and you like to play with the balls and the ducks. you like to repeat what you hear too, right now you are calling daddy, "uncle andy" as you are trying to throw the football to him. and today hunter fell, and you told him to get up boy. and you call him buddy, because daddy calls him buddy. you guys are playing a lot together now, lots of chase in the kitchen, and jumping around. you love wake up in the morning talking about candy, and you try and get it all day. it's always, no you have to have dinner first. or you will be crying if I have to leave, and then I will say that daddy will give you candy, and you will start smiling. you went to the puyalip fair and went on rides with hunter, and you couldn't stop talking about it...I went in the car with hunter, and we waited in line. and you kept trying to stand up and take your seatbelt off! and we took you to disney again, and you can't stop talking about the winnie the pooh ride. and when we got on it, you said "I don't want it" and wanted off..I think it scared you. so now you tell everyone about how you don't want it. you like to talk to people and tell them what you are doing...for the most part you aren't shy. and you like kids and adults. we took you to priest lake and you loved going in the boat at night and looking at the would be so excited to go out, and you would say uncle ben ben...look at all the stars!!! uncle ben ben, look at all the stars!!! it was cute! and it was funny because ben and penit were on the hammock and you told them to lean back and you pushed them, then you told them to kiss. they cracked up. you will look at things in books and want them, even though its just want to take it out of the book. you also try to take off your body your fingers or toes, you try to pull them and say take it off. you can get ready with your coat and shoes and get in your carseat and get yourself secured in, but you love to run to the front and drive. you love to cuddle and hold our ears, and put your face against ours. I love it. we are working on potty training, it's a work in sometimes are so excited to go, and other times just want your diaper. you run around with a messy face and hair, you just don't want to bother. you still get frustrated easily with things, and you are trying to drop your afternoon nap...but are so tired, so I know you still need it. you love german school, and at first you would cry when I leave, now you run in to play. and one time I thought you were going to be sad and you ran back to me, and I am like what honey, and you said I want my fries. (I brought mcdonalds to you for lunch). you like to read books...the dragon book and ones where you can life up little ....okay, you want me to read to you ..gotta read some berenstain bears! love you