Friday, September 10, 2010

oh and

you also started whispering, you talk jibberjab and whisper to us if we whisper to you. it's sounds precious.


we took you to the fair today! you loved the parade, all the animals and high school bands came through, you would clap and dance and wave. you dance at night and it cracks me up. you do squats and clap and go around in circles. you love the hokey pokey, but for some reason every time I sing "rock a bye baby" you scream. it's so funny. you are now showing so many preferences. you pick out your shoes. you put on one of each the other day. it's very cute. you still go a hundred miles per hour. we went to bend oregon for vacation and you had a blast. lots of swimming and they had a fountain splash area that you were fascinated with. you ate eggs every morning with grandma and went golfing w/ gpa and dad and me. you loved running around and chasing the balls. you say "shoes" and eye, and hi and sometimes nana for hunter. and a lot of the time you just scream for what you want. it's getting louder and louder. we are trying to teach you to say more or please or use your words, but you get frustrated right away and want things right away. you are figuring everything out on your own. you open containers and put them back, and you put things in and out and throw things in the garbage. you are figuring things out very quickly. you almost can reach the door and now I will have to childproof those. you love going up and down the stairs. and you don't like to be held much because you would rather be running as fast as you can with your head down like a bull, it's crazy. we are just trying to keep you alive right now, and you are having the time of your life. you still pick up everything you see and put it in your mouth. dirt, rocks, you name it, if you could choke on it, you stick it in your mouth. and you love outlets of course. but you still give the best hugs and you say "mwaa" when you kiss, and you are starting to pretend hit and you say "ow". I think that is your favorite thing to do. I need to figure out a way for you to stop, but then right after you hug and kiss. you get so excited to see me when I come home from work. you get the biggest smile on your face, and I love holding you. I think of you all the time. and miss you so much when I am not with you. you went on the front of daddy's bike in bend too, we got a seat that sits on the handle bars and you loved it. you put your lil pink helmet on and enjoy the ride. you fed the ducks and saw horses and deer. we tried to put you on a pony a month ago and you weren't sure about it and wanted off. you didn't like when it started moving. I think it scared you. you are very outgoing and go up to everyone, but every one and a while you get shy and come to me. it's cute. you say uppa all the time too. even to get down, but you will figure it out. love you baby! your mommy's baby.