Wednesday, May 26, 2010

honey, you started picking you nose today. you are so advanced.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

baby girl

You are 10 months now and I can't believe it! You love to give kisses. you will wake up in the morning and look at me and kiss me and then look at daddy and kiss daddy. and then me and back and forth. it's pretty cute, if it wasn't so early. last month you started walking!!! you are the cutest wobbliest thing and you put your arms in the air and run to us and fall over. it's really cute. and you are so proud of yourself. you got your first boo boo on your knee..a few little red marks. and you are testing climbing over all your toys, and you have taken a few good headers. one time you had blood on your teeth. but, most of the time you fall pretty hard, but you don't even notice and just get right back up. at the farmers market you fell and the guy who saw you said you were tough. and at the ymca I always laugh cause you don't stop going. the lady who watched you said you don't slow down. and last time I heard a lady get called in to get her child and I was happy it wasn't you, but of course you had something to do with it. you mauled one of the kids..which I think was your attempt of giving him kisses, since you just don't know. and so he started bawling, and then he was fine, until you started doing your high pitched scream and he started crying again! so, she had to call the mom. you love your cousin hunter and you still love to go and touch him or shake the toy he is in, but you are still not gentle enough since you don't understand. you laugh and are happy all the time! we took you to california for your dad's work trip and we spent a ton of time in the pool and you loved to scoot around and would get right in the middle of the action of any kids you came across. it was like a walker in the water. and you and I had a good time walking to the beach and watching the surfers. we went and saw auntie shari too and had dinner. you had fun at the park and climbed the stairs and through the tunnel. this month was the first month I left you for overnight alone with her dad. mommy had a much needed trip with Auntie Andrea to vegas. it was fun, but I missed you and was so worried how daddie and grammy would do with you. I am the one who fed you at night, so I didn't know how you would do without me, but daddy said you didn't even miss me! you did so good, and when I came home, you actually slept better through the night ( although that didn't last long). then daddy went to chicago for a week, and I was too scared to stay here with just you, so we stayed the night at auntie gina's and then granny and grandpa came up to be here with us. you still do the leetle leetle loodle loodle talk all the time. and we got you a pool for the summer.