Sunday, April 18, 2010

i can't get enough of you

you are 9 mos old now. how can I stop time...I am watching you stand now and you took your first steps that you landed w/out falling today. and I am so proud of you, but I am so sad that I am losing my baby. you look so cute when you crawl, and I can't imagine you not crawling any more, so I am holding on to you crawling across the floor at top speed of course. and you do a lil move when you turn and sit really quick and look at everything around you just start going and don't know where you end up or where you are going until you take a break and look around. I love watching you crawl. I am going to miss it. maybe it will be around a little longer, but I am watching you get more confident in your balance every day, so it wont be long. we just got back from dana point today. we had a fun trip and you loved the baby pool. we had a floaty and you could stand so you would scoot across like you were in your walker though the water. and you love being in the middle of everyones business. any kid or parent that would come over, you would just scoot over to them and want to be a part of it. you aren't afraid of anyone, and you just smile and try to talk to them. it's really cute. you still do your leedle leedle, loodle loodle, yoodling talk and you still say hey and hi on occasion. and now you say hey and you want me to repeat it, and we go back and forth for a while. and if I clap or wave my arms in the air, you do the same. and you also imitate what I think is us talking on the phone. you hold up the remote, or show or whatever to your ear, and start having a yodeling conversation. it's unreal. (and sad that we are on the phone too much), but I can't believe how much you are picking up on. and you love giving hugs and kisses mostly to other kids, but you surprise us all the time by all the love you give us. I love holding you and kissing you. I just can't get enough of you. I could gobble you up in all your glorious baby chunkiness. I love the rolls on your thighs and the tight wrist bracelets look you have going on. it's so soft to touch. and I know it wont be around forever. you saw a lot of dogs too and you always want to go right up to them. today a pooch licked your face when you crawled over to him. you love it. so you ate a lot of sand on this trip and continue to put anything you can in your mouth. and you liked the sand. you kept putting more in like you enjoyed it. we try and say uh oh to you and you kind of pause, but continue doing whatever it is you aren't supposed to be doing. your favorite room to scoot to is still the bathroom. you love the toilet. I dont get it, but you are all over it! and rolling the toilet paper roll out. I am hoping you will be easy to potty train! okay, you are sleeping, so I better get some sleep while I can. I love you and think you are amazing. every day you surprise me.